Mandatory Tips for You to Succeed in Being a Free Fire Sniper
If you like playing games, you must be familiar with a game called Free Fire. Games that concentrate on shooting games have two categories of weapons, namely sniper rifles and ARs that are most often used. AR weapons look cool when used to shoot repeatedly, but their effectiveness is not too high.
By knowing the advantages of sniper weapons in the Free Fire game, then you will also succeed in getting booyah. Compared to AR weapons, the effectiveness and accuracy of sniper rifles is higher. However, it takes regular practice so that sniper rifle shots are right on target at the right time because sniper rifles are not easy to master for long range combat.
For those of you new players in the Free Fire game who don’t know how to use sniper rifles and how to do sniping basics, then you must do some tips so that you will be successful in becoming a sniper in the game. You can find two types of long-range weapons in the loot area that you can use to practice your sniper skills.
To be more proficient in the use of snipers, here are some mandatory tips that you can do to hone your shooting skills:
5 Mandatory Tips for You to Be a Successful Sniper Free Fire
1. Increase awareness of every enemy movement

The movement of the enemy is one thing that you must pay close and careful attention to. Not infrequently a beginner sniper sees with a scope continuously which will actually harm the sniper himself. How not, by looking scope, then the nearby visibility decreases and the enemy easily avoids your aim.
Scope will only make you unfocused because sometimes the enemy you are aiming for can suddenly disappear. So you have to always look around to avoid the movement of enemies that are getting closer to you. You should always pay attention to the mini map and move the screen around and change weapons to AR weapons.
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The strategy that you must apply so that the level of vigilance against the enemy increases is to pay more attention to the mini map than the scope. This will prevent your movement from being easily discovered by the enemy so that there will be no sudden enemy presence near you.
2. Doing long-range shots in a prone position

Novice players in this game must make adaptations first by playing in this game Free Fire gameplay. Beginner players can’t immediately learn to shoot with the help of a sniper like some other types of games, In this game, after adapting, then you can start practicing shooting from a distance.
Free Fire game developers have simplified the mechanics of shooting. This game doesn’t have bullet drop like other popular games like PUBG Mobile. In making a shot, you must pay attention to the distance of your reach to the target so that the shot is right on target.
The correct shooting mechanism is not aiming at the enemy according to the position where he is, but you have to predict accurately the rate of movement of the enemy in the vicinity. Switching weapons to the AR type must be done immediately when you see the enemy moving closer. To reduce recoil, you can aim at the enemy while lying down.
3. Does not require much attachment

If you already have AWM and Kar98k, it can be said that the statistics are almost perfect. In fact, if you carry one sniper and one AR, that means you already have the right combination of weapons. With ownership of AWM and Kar98k, snipers don’t need much attachment because they are very different from the AR category.
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However, sometimes you also need attachments because they are useful as silencers that can protect your whereabouts from being found by the enemy. The attachment ability is very useful for clandestine long-range combat.
This type of sniper rifle will make it easier for you to become a professional level sniper in the Free Fire game. Although long-range combat can use several AR weapons, it is the sniper rifle type that is more appropriate in conducting combat with long-distance positions.
4. Understand the tricks in the search for sniper rifles through the map

In the Free Fire game, sniper rifle including rare in some places. If you already understand the basics of sniping, then you must have used this type of sniper rifle. Finding a sniper rifle is indeed a bit difficult in some places, you can find it in areas that are located higher than other areas.
You can also find sniper rifles in the Bermuda area called The Mill. You can find this location on the Bermuda Garena map because this location is often found by sniper rifles. The Mill is one of the points which is the highest location in the Bemuda area and players often land to look for snipers there.
Besides The Mill, you can land in the Kalahari area because there you can find a lot of sniper rifles in refinery and Command Post. You have to do some tricks so that you can immediately get a sniper rifle and use it for the purposes of fighting with the enemy. Save the sniper rifle before you really need it.
5. Consistent with the number of shots fired

If you understand the function of AR and sniper weapons well, then you will definitely always be consistent by issuing shots as needed. The damage done by sniper and AR weapons is very different. Sniper weapons are weapons that have great power so that without removing too many bullets the enemies are dead.
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You can train yourself by limiting the number of sniper shots you have. This will help you on your journey to become a professional sniper. With a sniper weapon, the enemy will be easily killed even if only by shooting it once if the shot includes a headshot.
However, if the shot hits the enemy’s body, then the shot must be done 2-3 times so that the enemy is completely killed. In shooting enemies, of course, it is not an easy thing so you need a lot of practice so that the second and third shots using a sniper are right on target even though the target is moving here and there around you.
Some of the tips above you can do so that when shooting is always on target. You also have to be diligent in practicing shooting so that later you will get used to and memorize the enemy’s movement rate so that you will immediately achieve the desire to become a professional sniper. Again, just use a sniper rifle as needed because the damage caused is different from AR.
In addition, to see enemy movements, it is better for you to focus on the mini map rather than the scope so that it is easier for you to find out where the enemy is and prevent the sudden presence of enemies near you. It’s important for novice players to know that carrying one AR and one sniper is a must because the two weapons are the right combination.
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