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Looking for a cheap high-quality cell phone? Choose Based on These 4 Features

How easy it is to get a cheap high-quality cellphone. Choose based on the four features below. Tested and has been used by many Android HP users!

It is undeniable, today, in the midst of increasingly rapid industrial and business development, mobile phones are one of the tools that cannot be separated from human life. Especially for productivity activities – where mobile phones are often an important tool that determines the growth of certain businesses.

The rapid growth of the times is in line with the growth of smartphone technology. Now, we can easily find cellphones whose prices start from under Rp. 1 million to tens of millions.

And fortunately, when the economic power is weakening, each OEM is competing to offer high-quality cheap HP. Yes, we are now easy to find a cellphone priced at 1 million that is equipped with qualified specifications.

Not only that, the middle class also offers a technological leap. A row of features that were previously only available on flagship cellphones, can now be felt with a budget starting at only IDR 3 million.

high quality cheap china phone (YouTube)
high quality cheap china phone (YouTube)

Features of High Quality Cheap HP

On the one hand, the availability of various options certainly spoils the user to get the dream product. Products that meet the needs and funds that have been prepared.

The problem is, when there are too many options available, how do you know a high-quality cheap cellphone? No need to worry. According to team search Droila, every device that you are going to buy must have these 4 features in order to be worthy of being called a high quality cellphone at a low price.

Want to know? Immediately check the description below, bro.

Storage Speed ​​and Capacity

Processing speed is one of the most important features that must be considered before you buy a new cellphone. Last year, this was only offered by middle-class HP and flagship HP.

Luckily, this year chipset technology is getting more sophisticated. And one that we can rely on is of course the performance of the Qualcomm Snapdragon 460 chipset. It is said that, according to the company’s claims, the chipset for HP low-end it has a performance equivalent to the Snapdragon 600 series – the chipset used to support mid-range cellphones.

On the other hand, RAM capacity also determines the processing speed. But remember, don’t be trapped by thinking that the bigger the RAM, the faster the performance. Remember, RAM is only one factor that affects the processing speed of a device – besides the chipset, ROM capacity and CPU type.

Then the question is, how much is the current HP RAM requirement? Based on the author’s search through other articles, 4GB of RAM is more than enough for your minimum usage. You can freely browse, stream, vlogging, or create content for online stores.

Meanwhile, the heavier the performance of the device, the more RAM it needs. So, adjust to your needs – that’s the key.

HP high quality low price (ProductNation)
HP high quality low price (ProductNation)

Wide Screen

Luckily, now we have a large selection of cellphones with wide screens. The average cellphone issued since 2021 has been equipped with a screen with a minimum width of 6 inches.

A wider screen size certainly promises user comfort while using the device. You become more flexible in streaming movies, recording videos for vlog content,

Especially if you actively use your cellphone to edit videos, pictures, or make designs. A more definite size makes it easier for you to choose and design the image as you wish, right?

In addition, the type of screen also determines user comfort. As the author has described previously, there are several types of cellphone screens that you can consider: including IPS LCD, PLS TFT, or AMOLED.

Each of course has advantages and disadvantages. If you are curious about the capabilities of each of these screen types, read the article here, OK.

High Quality Camera

Regardless of whether you often use an HP camera or not, it doesn’t mean you don’t consider this HP feature in making decisions, right? You never know when you need a cellphone camera to capture certain moments, right?

Therefore, it is mandatory to include camera specifications before choosing a high-quality cheap cellphone. But, don’t get caught up in the number of cameras that are provided.

Isn’t it now viral a video where the user removes the back of the camera and finds that there is only one lens – even though the casing shows that the cellphone is equipped with four cameras.

Instead of choosing a cellphone based on the number of cameras, it’s better for you to focus on the features and technology that the company has invested in. Therefore, when choosing camera specifications, you need to know what aperture is and how it affects image quality.

Also, get to know the features of each OEM. You see, each OEM has its own technology that is used to pamper users.

cheap but high quality cellphone (TechRadar)
cheap but high quality cellphone (TechRadar)

Built-in Security Features

The feature that must be owned by the last high-quality cheap cellphone is security. Now, there are a variety of security methods provided by OEMs; ranging from PIN codes, patterns, to more sophisticated ones such as fingerprint sensors and facial recognition.

Not only that, you also have to know how the default security software performs. Have you ever had a history of being hacked by hackers or not. In addition, whether the software is continuously updated to add to the database of the types of viruses that have been encountered.

Well, by considering the four features above before buying a new cellphone, I hope you can get a cheap high quality cellphone, huh.

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