LFY started their performance in The International 7 very well because in the group phase they only lost 2 matches with two different teams, which statistically in the group standings brought a draw and 1 point each. With this excellent performance, the team This team is highly favored to become the winning team of the international tournament The International 7.
TNC Pro itself is the underdog who arrived at the LFY VS TNC match, Round 2 of the Upper Bracket The International 7 is still in the Upper Bracket. This team from the Philippines has a nickname that is quite scary for the Chinese team, namely the killer of the Chinese team.
However, all of that means nothing in front of LFY because they appear superior to TNC. Even so, TNC deserves not to be underestimated because of their pretty good performances, especially in the first game of LFY VS TNC, Round 2 Upper Bracket The International 7.
First Game The first draft game for the LFY VS TNC match, Round 2 Upper Bracket The International 7 which became the highlight was Naga Siren which was used as support by TNC. Then end hero selection with Alchemist. The draft drawn is something unusual in the tournament. LFY itself does standard drafting of heroes, namely taking Puck, Nature Prophet, and Terrorblade as their cores.
The start of the first game showed that Puck and Alchemist kept the middle lane well. However, the presence of Night Stalker, played by Ah Fu to help Puck in the middle, killed the alchemist, and delayed his farming. Luckily, Razor, played by Raven TNC, can farm easily.
Entering the middle of the match, Alchemist Kuku TNC got Aegis without any resistance from LFY. The presence of Aegis makes TNC confident in pushing lane. However, LFY put up a stunning fight. TNC lost the war, but did not make them afraid to fight again. They also pushed the lane back, but again had to suffer a war defeat. After the final battle that killed Puck, LFY got Aegis, and cheese. Then LFY was confident to push the lane.
In the next battle, LFY was punished for his carelessness, thus losing the war. The victory in the war brought TNC to immediately take advantage of its advantages to get Aegis without any disturbance. Then they pushed the lane, and arrived at the LFY headquarters which the Chinese team could defend well. The battle continued, but the team wiped that occurred in the 60th minute ensured LFY’s victory to end TNC’s resistance in the first game.
Second Game Realizing the role of Night Stalker Ah Fu LFY, TNC decided to ban the hero. Instead of leaving Naga Siren unused, TNC uses this hero again but this time with a different role, namely the core. TNC drafting ended with the selection of Broodmother for the core hero. LFY responded to this election by voting for Bristleback.
The second game started with a chaotic middle lane because TNC decided to put 3 heroes in one lane. LFY itself responded to TNC’s game by deciding to slow down the farming of Broodmother played by Kuku. TNC did not stay silent when Kuku was bullied by LFY. They decided to keep him moving lanes. TNC’s strategy hurt their own team more than LFY even though their net worth was balanced.
Entering the middle of the match, both teams tend to be passive unlike at the beginning of the match. LFY had great success in shutting down Broodmother Kuku’s movement. Throughout the game he was helpless. It did not develop and continued to be pushed by its lane, making TNC have to admit LFY’s advantage in the 33rd minute.
That’s the latest game news coming from the Steam DotA 2 game about the LFY VS TNC match, Round 2 Upper Bracket The International 7. Wait for other latest information from the MOBA DotA 2 game only on the Kabargames.id site!
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