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Item Changes and New Items in Patch 7.20 Dota 2

One significant change brought to patch 7.20 Dota 2 is items. Almost all items get change. Not only that, some items new also appeared and shifted roles items other.

In this article, we will describe all the changes items which exist in patches 7.20.

New Items

There are five items new that appeared in patches 7.20. Three of them are upgrade items, while the other two are basic items which became the material of some upgrade items.

Yasha And Kaya (Upgrade items)

  • +16 intelligence
  • +16 agility
  • +16 attack speed
  • +16% _mana loss reduction
  • +12% spell amplification
  • +12% movement speed


  • Yasha (2100)
  • Rich (2100)
  • Total price 4200 gold

Kaya And Sange (Upgrade items)

  • +16 intelligence
  • +16 strength
  • +16% where is the loss reduction
  • +16% resistance status
  • +12% spell amplification
  • +12 attack damage


  • Rich (2100)
  • Sange (2100)
  • Total price 4200 gold

Holy Locket (Upgrade items)

  • +200 HP
  • +4 HP regen
  • +3 where is regen
  • +15% magic resistance
  • Passive: All regen or heal that you gave from items or spell increase by 25%


  • Void stone (850)
  • Ring of Tarrasque (700)
  • Cloak (550)
  • Recipe (550)
  • Total price 2650 gold

Ring of Tarrasque (Basic Items)

  • +3.75 HP regen
  • +150 HP
  • Price: 700 gold

You can upgrade to:

  • Heart of Tarrasque
  • Holy Locket

Crowns (Basic Items)

  • +4 all attributes
  • Price: 450 gold

Can you upgrade to items previously required Wraith Band, Null Talisman, or Bracer:

  • Dagon
  • Drum of Endurance
  • Veil of Discord
  • Rod of Atos

Changes to Old Items

In addition to the emergence of five items new, there are many items old to change. There are those who only get material changes, but there are also those who get changes in active or passive effects.

Item Movement Speed

All items which gives movement speed a fixed amount will be converted into a bonus movement speed in percent form. The following are the bonuses given to each: items:

  • Boots of Speed: 15%
  • Power Treads: 15%
  • Phase Boots: 15%
  • Arcane Boots: 15%
  • Guardian Greaves: 17%
  • Tranquil Boots (Active): 28%
  • Tranquil Boots (Off): 20%
  • Boots of Travel: 32%
  • Drum of Endurance: 6%
  • Eul’s Scepter: 6%
  • Spirit Vessel: 6%
  • Wind Lace: 6%

Phase Boots

  • +15% movement speed
  • +5 armor
  • +25 armor
  • Passive: When you make an attack command to an opposing unit within 900 units, you will get a bonus movement speed (13% melee, 10% ranged), turn rate, and collision phase. The effect is lost when you change the attack command.


  • Boots of Speed ​​(500)
  • Chainmail (550)
  • Gloves of Haste (500)
  • Total price 1550

Power Treads

  • Gloves of Haste component replaced with Blades of Attack.
  • Giving +16 damage, no longer give attack speed
  • Attribute bonus changed from +10 to +12

Tranquil Boots

  • No longer deactivates when attacking creeps


  • No longer give play but give +12% resistance status

Heaven’s Halberd

  • No longer give play but give +14% resistance status

Sange And Yasha

  • No longer give play but give +16% resistance status

Sange, Yasha, Kaya

  • The price of the recipe is 650 gold

Solar Crest

  • +10 all attributes
  • +12 armor
  • +6% movement speed
  • +1.5 where is regen
  • Active: Eliminate +12 armor that you have. If used on a teammate, grants +12 armor, +70 attack speed, and +10% movement speed. If used against an opponent, deals -12 armor, -70 attack speed, and -10% movement speed.


  • Medallion of Courage (1175)
  • Ultimate Orbs (2150)
  • Wind Lace (250)
  • Recipe (300)
  • Total price 3875 gold

Ring of Aquila

Removed from game. RIP

Bracer, Null Talisman, Wraith Band

  • Recipe price changed from 165 to 210 gold
  • Main attribute bonus increased from +7 to +8
  • Bracer gives +6% magic resistance
  • Wraith Band gives +8 attack speed
  • Null Talisman gives +3% spell amplification
  • It can no longer beupgrade Becomes items other. All items that uses one of the three items this as the material will be replaced.
    • Dagon (Null Talisman replaced with Crown)
    • Veil of Discord (Null Talisman replaced with Crown)
    • Drum of Endurance (Bracer replaced with Crown)
    • Rod of Atos (Bracer replaced with Crown)
    • Hurricane Pike (Wraith Band replaced with recipe for 450 gold)

Ring of Basilius

  • Where’s regen increased from 0.5 to 0.65


  • Active Pocket Deny replaced with Bloodpact: changed 60% where you at that time became HP
  • No longer reduce respawn time.
  • Giving 200% where is regen
  • Have 12 charge for the start. Decrease 3 charge each time you die, and increase by one charge every time you stand in the area of ​​a kill.
  • Each charge gives 0.25 HP regeneration and where

Aeon Disk

  • +300 HP
  • +300 where
  • Passive gives 50% resistance status for duration buff Combo Breaker (the old Combo Breaker effect remains)


  • Gives +30% resistance status
  • Bonus damage reduced from +50 to +25
  • The other effects don’t change

Heart of Tarrasque

  • +50% HP amplification regen
  • Passive: +5% regen current HP out of combat (down from the previous 7%)
  • +500 HP (previously +400)


  • Reaver
  • Vitality Booster
  • Ring of Tarrasque
  • Recipe (400 gold)
  • Total price 5200 gold

Other Items

A number of items others also get minor adjustments.

  • Spirit Vessels: No longer give amplification regen
  • Spirit Vessels: Damage enemies increased from 20 to 25 per second
  • Headdress: Recipe cheaper than 300 to 175 gold
  • Mechanism: Recipe is more expensive than 900 so 950 gold
  • Arcane Boots: Where to restore up from 135 to 160
  • Guardian Greaves: Heal increased from 275 to 300
  • Guardian Greaves: Where to restore up from 160 to 200
  • Pipes of Insights: Now gives +2 all attributes
  • Skull Basher: The price of the recipe is cheaper from 1000 to 900 gold
  • Butterfly: No longer has Flutter active effect
  • Crystals: Bonus damage up from +30 to +38
  • Desolators: Armor reduction stronger than -6 so -7
  • Force Staff: Can now override the Pounce Slark effect
  • Hand of Midas: Attack speed up from 30 to 40
  • Sentry Ward: Distance increased from 850 to 1000
  • Gems of True Sight: When it falls, gives 300 ground vision and true sight to the team that last held it. Effect lasts until someone takes the Gem
  • Morbid Mask: No longer giving +10 damage
  • Morbid Mask: The price is cheaper from 1100 to 900 gold
  • Mask of Madness: Damage reduced from +20 to +10

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