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How to Protect PDF File Pages from Copy Paste (+Image)

PDF file is a form of document or file format that is very compatible with various devices. By creating this PDF file, we can anticipate changes that occur to the file when the file is opened on another device.

For every writer, of course, it will be very happy if his writing can be useful for many people. However, what happens if the copyright of the article is actually plagiarized or plagiarized without including the source. This action can certainly harm the owner of the work.

Various kinds of written works, both in the form of scientific works and other types of writings that have been published, cannot be separated from cases of plagiarism. Therefore, to prevent plagiarism, it is better if the text in the form of a PDF file is added to a security system.

One way to protect PDF file pages to avoid this is to add an anti-virus function copy paste. Thus, published PDF files cannot be downloaded.copy paste by someone else.

This article will explain how how to protect PDF pages from copy paste. Let’s see the following explanation.

How to Protect PDF File Pages from Copy Paste

Well, one way to avoid plagiarism of the posts that you have published besides adding a password, you can also protect the pages of the PDF file from copy paste. So, the writing that you have share can only be read by others.

However, additional applications are needed to be able to protect PDF file pages from files copy paste. Below is how to protect PDF file pages from copy paste. Follow these steps.

1. Download PDF Anti Copy app in

2. Next please install application it on your device.

3. Well, before starting the following method, let’s first open the pdf that you want to be protected from copy paste > then please block in the writing area, it will look blue which indicates that the page can still be downloaded.copy paste like in the image below.

Step 3 - initial pdf

4. Please open the PDF Anti Copy application installed > then select the open PDF icon or like the following picture marked with a red arrow.

how to protect PDF pages from copy paste for beginners

5. After that please search and select PDF file > then click Open.

Step 5 - select the pdf file

6. Then the number of pages will appear and the appearance of the start page of your PDF file. In this PDF Anti Copy application you can also set some of the features provided, namely:

  • In area 1: Can choose which pages of the PDF file you want to protect from copy paste. You can select all pages or select only a few pages by checking the Anti-copy section marked with the arrow number 1.
  • In area 2: Besides being able to protect PDF pages from copy paste, you can also protect PDF files from beingprint or print, avoid function copy and added password if it pleases.
  • In area 3: Please select a destination location or directory from the PDF file which will be saved after processing by selecting Browse.
  • In area 4: When finished, please click Start Now in the area marked with arrow number 4.

how to protect PDF pages from copy paste

7. Wait until the process is complete or up to 100%. The processing time depends on the size of the PDF file.

Step 7 - wait for the process to finish

8. When finished, please open the PDF file that has been protected from copy paste. Then, try to do the last block copy-paste on the protected page. So the text that was originally blue if it is blocked will not be able to be blocked.copy paste and does not turn blue like in the image below.

how to protect PDF pages from copy paste

The advantages of this PDF Anti Copy application are the entire process that uses tools or features in this application will not change the authenticity and quality of the file.

In addition, we can also choose which pages we want to provide protection against copy paste. PDF Anti Copy is also available in several languages ​​and has a variety of other interesting features. So many articles on how to protect PDF pages from copy paste. Hopefully this article useful for you.

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