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How to make Fanny's energy not run out

Fanny is one of the assassin heroes who is very energy-intensive in Mobile Legends, in order to save you can try to make Fanny’s energy not run out below.

As you know, Fanny is a very special assassin hero in Mobile Legends, her skills can fly all over the Mobile Legends map.

But unfortunately Fanny’s energy to be able to make her fly is very limited and very wasteful so you have to know how to make Fanny’s energy not run out.

In order to save energy use from Fanny, you can use several ways that we will convey below.

How to make Fanny’s energy not run out

Curious what are the ways to make Fanny’s energy not run out in Mobile Legends?

Always Fly About Opponents

First you have to know how to play Fanny’s hero so it doesn’t waste energy. One way is to use skill 2 or fly by hitting the opponent.

Using skill two is indeed quite difficult, but make sure that we can lock the opponent when using it, then Fanny’s energy will last.

Use Buff

The second is to use a blue buff, of course you already understand what a blue buff is, right? its function is to shorten 50% cooldown and energy usage of the hero who uses it.

Using this blue buff will save your energy usage when using fanny heroes in Mobile Legends.

Use Skill 2 as Necessary

Next is to use skill 2 as necessary. Don’t fly if you don’t need it. Use when going to attack the opponent or rotation faster.

Because always using skill 2 will make you more wasteful in using energy in Mobile Legends.

So that’s it for a review on how to make fanny energy not run out in Mobile Legend. Hopefully the above review can provide useful information.

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