Not a few gamers who want to change the elements that the traveler has. Because if you only rely on the anemo element, sometimes it doesn’t match the party being played. Basically, each element has advantages and disadvantages to one another. This anemo element usually has a large enough damage to attack the enemy.
Unlike the Anemo element, the geo element is usually used more in terms of defense. Because the element with the type of earth strength does have a fairly high level of defense. If you want to focus on the traveler character in defending, you can change it from anemo to geo elements. Then, how to change the traveler element from anemo to geo in Genshin Impact. Here’s how.
How to Change Traveler Element
For now, there are only two elements that a traveler character can have, namely anemo and geo. So you can only switch between the two elements. However, it is possible that later the map in Genshin Impact increases, you can change the traveler element into various kinds such as hydro, cryo and pyro.
The main element set in this character is anemo. If you want to change it to a geo element in Genshin Impact, you can follow the steps below.
Visiting the Statue of The Seven Geo The first step you have to do if you want to change the traveler element from anemo to geo in Genshin Impact is to visit the statue of the seven on the map. You can find a Geo statue in the area called Liyue. To speed up the process of changing elements from anemo to geo in Genshin Impact, you can teleport first.
The next step to changing from anemo to geo in Genshin Impact is resonance with the geo element. The trick is to approach the statue of the seven first. After that, select the geo-resonant option.
Wait until the process is complete and later you will get a geo element for the traveler character you are using. This geo element can later serve as a force in adventuring in the Geo area. The Geo Region has a very large area to explore.
Therefore, it takes the strength of the geo element to guard and secure yourself in every adventure. While exploring the geo area, of course you will later need the power of the geo element to complete the mission.
In addition, this geo element can also function as a tool that can activate altars found in the Geo area. In addition, you can also get a special item called Geoculus in the Geo area. The location of Geoculus itself is usually found slightly above the character you are using.
Unfortunately, sometimes you will have difficulty or even not be able to reach the Geoculus without the help of the power of the Geo element. By changing the traveler element from anemo to geo in Genshin Impact, it will be very helpful in getting Geoculus in the Geo area.
How to Return Geo Elements to Anemo
Replacement of this element is not permanent. If you want to switch the traveler element to anemo back, you can still do that. The method is the same as when you change the traveler element from anemo to geo in Genshin Impact.
The first step you have to do is to visit the statue of the seven anemo. If you can’t find the statue of the seven geo in the liyue area, you can find the statue of the seven in the monstad area. To speed up the process to the monstad area, you can directly use teleportation so it doesn’t take up time.
Next, you approach the statue of the seven anemo and click resonance with the anemo to get the power of the anemo element back. Wait until the process is complete until the power of the anemo element enters the traveler’s character in full.
Strengths and weaknesses
As previously explained, each element in Genshin Impact certainly has its advantages and disadvantages. In general, for traveler characters, anemo elements have a higher tier than geo elements.
This can not be separated from the attack from the anemo element has a much greater damage compared to the attack damage generated by the geo element. On the other hand, in terms of defense, geo elements have a higher level of defense than anemo elements.
So, if there is a big attack from the enemy, the geo element is more suitable for traveler characters. It’s really interesting to see the many types of elements that exist in the game Genshin Impact. Each element can produce extraordinary effects in terms of appearance.
In total there are seven elements presented in the Genshin Impact game, namely Anemo, Geo, Pyro, Hydro, Cryo, Electro and also Dendro. Each character in Genshin Impact is equipped with one type of element. Including the traveler character who is equipped with Anemo’s main elements. If you want to change the traveler element from anemo to geo in Genshin Impact, you can follow the steps mentioned above.
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