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How to Build the Sick Hero Guinevere Ala Lemon Pro Player Mobile Legend

mrfdn – Hi, maybe some of you like to play mobile legend using the hero Guinevere.

Confused about how to play well so you can get mpv and even maniac?

Maybe this article can help a little.

Because this time I try to explain what is used by Lemon RRQ pro player mobile legend who is very famous in Indonesia.

build guinevere mobile legends hurts

Surely you already know him right?

If not, I’ll show you the video below.

Why play with Guinevere?

guinevere build hurts like lemon mobile legend pro player

Guinevere is a hero who acts as both a fighter and a mage. Those of you who have collected the mage emblem can use the emblem for Guinevere too.

Guinevere’s Advantages

Passive / basic attack

When Guinevere hits an opponent, damage will increase by 25 percent. This basic attack uses magic.

guinevere build hurts like lemon mobile legend pro player
passive Guinevere

The red bar that is right under the blood indicator (the green one), when it’s full it will become passive which makes the damage bigger.

Skill 1 energy wave

Throwing the ball, when Guinevere uses skill 1 she will automatically reduce the cooldown of all skills by 1 second.

Skill 2 magic thump

Guinevere makes an upper cut, she will hit the enemy throwing her in the air. This upper cut can be combined with passive and ulti/skill 3. The effect will make the enemy an otw base.

Skill 3 violet requiem

When the enemy is known to ulti, Guinevere automatically gains immunity. This means that it will not be affected by any control effects from all enemies. This lasts for 2 seconds. With this 3 skill Guinevere will issue all the total magic power he has as much as 500%.

Skill 3 is useful during war, or crowd control.

guinevere mobile legends wallpaper, the best build items

Combo Guinevere

Skill 2 >> skill 3 >> skill 1

Lemon style Guinevere emblem

Custom mage

custom emblem build guinevere sick like lemon mobile legend pro player
  • Agility 3/3
  • Observation 2/3
  • Contract 1/3
  • Magic Worship 1/3

Spel Guinevere lemon style

So that you can get more kills. Execute as a backup to get more kills.

Guinevere’s build hurts the most like a lemon

guinevere build hurts like lemon mobile legend pro player maniac
  • Arcane Boots
  • Concentrate Energy
  • Calamity Reaper (adds basic attack to make it more painful)
  • Holy Crystal
  • Feather Of Heaven
  • Ice Queen Wand

Video how to play hero Guinevere mobile legend lemon style

In the video above some of the hero settings are not in accordance with the current situation. The alias has been reworked.

So now Guinevere’s hero damage has been reduced from the one in the video. But how can you try

Read also :: Build Eudora full damage

The final word

Guinevere is an overpowered hero with a fighter/mage role. With a good build you will easily get a lot of kills even to the point of maniacs.

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