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Gun Skin Box Time Travelers FF is here, here's how to get it

Hello guys, how are you? I hope it’s okay. Back again with, this time we will provide information about the Time Traveler FF Skin that you can get now.

One of the popular battle royale games in the country, Free Fire has just released a Gun Skin Box which contains cool skins. Not only has different gameplay, FF also has various unique costumes and skins.

Read: Hurry Up Top Up To Get Pet Dreki FF For Free!

Moreover, the game often holds interesting events, such as free Pet Dreki top up bonus events, skin collaborations with several popular figures, and much more.

But today’s latest news is, there is the latest FF Gun Skin Box with the Time Traveler theme, you know. Yes, time travel-style skins!

Curious how to get it and what does the skin look like? Let’s see below.

Time Traveler Gun Skin Box Display

gun skin box time travelers thompson dan m82b
Photo: Facebook – Garena Free Fire

Oh yes, before we want to give information. In this box, you can get two weapon skins at once, namely M82B and Thompson. Yes, as we know that this weapon seems to have become the favorite weapon of most FF players.

For the design itself, this weapon has a matching color between a combination of black and golden yellow. And what’s even more interesting, the weapon doesn’t have a lot of knick-knacks or decorations that are too crowded, so it looks so charming.

As we mentioned earlier, that this weapon will have a time traveler-style theme, where on the side of the weapon there is a time.

Read: The 6 Best Free Fire (FF) Vehicles That Are Suitable For Push Rank

In addition to its cool appearance, the weapon certainly doesn’t forget the improved stats. Basically Garena always provides additional stats for the skins they release. Below are the details of Thompson’s stats.

  • Reload Speed ​​+
  • Range ++
  • Bullet Capacity –

Besides Thompson, there is also a weapon skin for the M82B which has almost the same design details as the weapons we discussed above.

Unfortunately, the M82B’s body doesn’t have the ‘time’ decoration like that of the Thompson. Although there is only one drawback, it can be said that the design level is still better than the Thompson weapon.

Then how to get it?

To have this skin, players must take 1x Crate at the Armory Shop which is priced at only 50 diamonds, that way you have the opportunity to get a Thompson skin or M82B Time Traveler. For those of you who like to collect skins, then it never hurts to try.

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