Fortnite surpasses PUBG with 3.4 million concurrent players
Last weekend was a big day for the Epic battle royal, but not without problems. Fortnite hit a new record with 3.4 million concurrent players on Sunday, February 4th and the load caused server crashes as it couldn’t keep up with the sheer number of players.
So many players logged into the Fortnite game during February 3-4 and overwhelmed the servers. Prior to the disruption, the game hit a concurrent user record of 3.4 million players. Epic Games posted an update on the Fortnite website to share technical details about the challenges of having to “accelerate the scale” of the game and its online service, which far exceeded its “toughest growth expectations”. According to Epic, the extreme player load caused six different incidents over a two-day period resulting in a mix of partial and total service disruptions.
“Issues affecting service availability are our main focus above all else right now. We want you all to know that we take this issue very seriously, conducting an in-depth post-mortem examination of each incident to identify the root cause and decide on the best plan of action,” the Fortnite team said.
More exciting news on VAZGAMING
“The online team has been working diligently over the past month to keep up with the demand generated by our fast week-by-week growth in our user base.”
To ensure the availability of the service, Epic has outlined the following steps it must take for the stability of Fortnite:
- Identify and resolve the root cause of our DB performance issues.
- Optimize, reduce and eliminate all unnecessary calls to the backend from clients or servers.
- Optimize how we store matchmaking session data in our DB.
- Increasing the focus of our internal operations in the production and development process.
- Increase awareness and monitoring of cloud provider maximum limits to be known, and utilization of IP subnets.
- Reduces blast radius during events.
- Rearchitecting our core message stack.
- Dig deep into our data and DB storage.
- Emphasize our internal infrastructure.
- Performance at scale
- Transfer specific functions from MCP to microcervical service
- Event lookup data model for user data
- Actor based user session modeling
The post goes into the technically important material side if you’re interested in such things. But, for those of us who don’t know about such things, it’s good to know that Epic is taking serious steps to ensure servers remain as stable as possible in the future.
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