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Easy Ways to Create Questionnaires in Microsoft Word (+Image)

There are various ways to collect data quickly. For example, when we conduct research or surveys, we must first make a questionnaire.

Because the questionnaire which is often referred to as a questionnaire is one of the data collection techniques carried out by giving questions to the respondents. And these questions will later be answered and written on the paper or questionnaire document.

This questionnaire can also be used when researchers want to know the habits and perceptions of a population from the point of view of the respondents. We can distribute the questionnaire to the target community of our respondents and ask them to answer every question we ask in the questionnaire. And the answer from the respondent will be a reliable and valid measuring tool.

How to Create a Questionnaire in Word

One way to make a questionnaire is to write down the questions on a piece of paper and the respondents will answer these questions later. Generally, questionnaires are distributed to many respondents to get answers as a whole, so it is not pegged to just one answer. The number of questionnaires that will be distributed to respondents is also adjusted to the needs of the researchers.

Usually the questionnaire will be distributed to tens, hundreds to thousands of people in order to draw conclusions and get satisfactory answers. Then how do we make the questionnaire? We can make it by writing it on paper or folio. But this method is less efficient, because it will take up a lot of our time and energy to make it.

So one way to make a good questionnaire is to type it in Microsoft Word. By creating a questionnaire in Microsoft Word, we can print it out as many times as we want. Moreover, in Microsoft Word already available templates for questionnaires, so we can use them anytime. Here’s how to create a questionnaire in Word.

1. The first step to take is to open Microsoft Word. And if Microsoft Word is already open, then click the menu File which is located on the toolbar.


2. In the File menu, click menu New. After that type form in the box next to the Home section. Then click the button Search. You can also click the Enter button to search for the Form template.

How to Create a Questionnaire in Microsoft Word

3. Wait a few moments until the form template appears, and select one of the form templates you need. There are already available questionnaires with various purposes such as donation questionnaires, volunteer questionnaires, travel approval questionnaires, member questionnaires, and even business questionnaires. Here I choose to create a donation questionnaire.


4. Then a new window will appear and click the button Create. Here you are asked to download the template, so make sure first that the internet connection on your computer is active. Use WiFi or LAN network for computers connected to the internet network.


5. Wait a few moments until the questionnaire template is imported into your Microsoft Word document page. If so, then you can edit the content and questions contained in the form. If the template still uses English, then you can type in questions and the form will be answered by the respondents with the questions you want to ask.

Here you can adjust the questions that you have summarized and want to ask the respondents.

Easy Ways to Create Questionnaires in Microsoft Word

Thus the article that provides an explanation of how to create a questionnaire in Word. Hopefully this article can be useful for you.

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