5 Ways to Get Free PUBG Mobile Weapon Skins, PUBG Mobile games are not only famous until now only because of their unique and different gameplay, but also because of the skins in this game.
The weapon skins in this game will begin to appear when lots of players request a variety of weapons. So from this game will provide weapon skins and continue to add them until now.
Weapon skins from this game will not actually add any effect to your game and have nothing to do with your gameplay. The skin will only make your character more conspicuous than the others.
You can buy some of the game’s weapon skins by using the UC that is already available. However, of course there are types of players who certainly don’t want to spend money just to get this game’s weapon skin. Here are some 5 ways to get free PUBG Mobile weapon skins.
Here are 5 Ways to Get Free PUBG Mobile Weapon Skins
Completing AchievementsTo Get Weapon SkinsPUBG Mobile
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The PUBG Mobile game has provided several achievements that you can complete and get various prizes. Some of these prizes when completing achievements are in the form of permanent weapon skins for you to use in this game.
Shotgun Mastery IV: Win94 desert camo
Pistol Mastery IV: P92 desert camo
Assault Mastery IV: M416 desert camo
SMG Mastery: UZI desert camo
Sniper Mastery IV: Kar98k desert camo
Melee Mastery IV: NoHunting-Pan
Evo Tactician V: Timworm Pattern M24
And of course there are many more that you will get through the achievements that Tencent has provided for PUBG Mobile game players.
With the Royale Pass you will get a lot of interesting prizes and will change every season. There will be a lot of PUBG Mobile weapon skins that you will get through the Free Royale Pass even though it will not be as much as the Elite Royale Pass. Usually you can get this game’s weapon skin with a Royale Pass that is already level 60 if you use the Free Royale Pass.
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Don’t forget the various events and crates that you may be able to play every day. To be able to open crates you will need UC, but you can also open them using coupons that you can collect. Each crates will have several types of prizes and one of them is a weapon skin which is very interesting. Of the several types of crate that you may open, you have to try it many times until you get the results you want.
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Another way that you can use to get free weapon skins is by visiting the redeem section of the PUBG Mobile store. In the store there are two legendary skins, namely S686 and Scar-L which of course you can exchange.
Silver Fragment Exchange
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This silver fragment exchange feature has been around for a long time in the PUBG Mobile game. In this silver fragment exchange menu, you will be able to exchange your silver fragments to get several items such as Skins, Armon Skins, Effects, Parachutes, and some interesting items.
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That’s an article about 5 ways to get free PUBG Mobile weapon skins. Are Vexa friends interested in these tips? Or even already running so that it can be free? See you in time
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