Dota 2 Warding Guide: Leveraging Lane Wards
In addition to forest areas which are always dark, Observer Wards are Dota 2 can also be installed to provide vision in an unlikely place. Previously we had discussed tinker wards, namely Observer Wards mounted on the edge folder to find Tinker’s constantly changing position to make it easier to catch.
Well, in this article, we will discuss a little about lane wards, or Observer Wards installed right in lane.
At first glance, installing Wards in this position seems redundant. After all lane will always get vision thanks to creeps and tower. Even if there were, the opponent’s hero would eventually appear at the front creeps and can be viewed without Observer Wards.
However creeps don’t give vision throughout lane. Well, the area that doesn’t have vision this is sometimes crucial when you want to perform certain maneuvers that are quite risky. That’s why you installed Observer Wards in lane.
Also read: Dota 2 Warding Guide: Common Observer Wards Points

As support in safelaneThe Observer Ward at this point is the one I use frequently. Observer Wards at this point can clearly show the position offlaner opponent. From there you can easily determine when you should do it harass and zoning without having to take high risks like fishing creeps opponent or trading which is not profitable.
If your opponent turns out to be using a weak hero in phase lane, Observer Ward in this position will really help you to repel opponents. Even if helped by one more roamer or ganker, you can do kill easily.

You may often see a team that prefers to install an Observer Ward on the mid lane rather than one of the Rune areas. The goal is to keep getting vision at the edge of the river even though you are standing at the bottom of the river. That way, you know exactly where to use burst damage or nuke in order to get last hits at the same time about opponent hero in lane.

Not only that, depending on the placement, these Observer Wards can also prevent risks gank opponent. Without vision In addition, generally you won’t be able to see the presence roamer or ganker opponent from a certain angle, as you can see in the image above.

Installing Observer Ward at this point is necessary timing right. But if you manage to install it without being caught, these Observer Wards will be very useful when you want to attack tier 1 tower opponent in lane. Blessing vision behind tower opponent, you know who is in the area tower the. That way you can more confidently do gank from two directions.

One thing you need to remember is, in this position you will do gank under tower opponent. So, be prepared with all the risks like a teammate who comes to help. In order to minimize the risk, in addition to looking at the situation in lane else, make sure you log in when you have creeps that can eat damage tower at least temporarily.

The Observer Ward at this point is often installed when a new game starts. One of its functions is indeed to prepare for doing gank and dive. But its main function is to position the opponent’s courier.
Generally, heroes mid the opponent will get gold to buy a bottle before the third minute. That’s why bottles are usually delivered by mobile courier, which can be killed with two hits. With this Observer Ward, know exactly when the opponent’s bottle will be delivered by this courier. Once the courier appears, you just show up and finish him off. That way your opponent has no source of regeneration for three minutes.

Finally, Observer Wards at all points in the image actually have the same goal, namely to setup before doing gank or tower dive before taking tier 2 tower opponent. Just like Observer Wards behind tier 1 tower opponent, be careful setting up Observer Wards at this point. If caught, your opponent may kill you and destroy the Observer Wards you just installed.

As usual, Observer Wards are available in limited numbers. So, make sure you install it in a position that is needed at that time or in the near future, including for lane wards this.
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