Dota 2 Tips and Tricks: Using Fountains and Shrines
Shrine and Fountain are the two main sources of regeneration for your team. Each has different interactions and attributes, for example the Fountain has permanent regeneration, while the Shrine has cooldown. Fountain is only available at base, while the Shrines are spread across minimap.
There’s a lot you can do with this interaction, and it will really help you increase the efficiency and effectiveness of your game.

Fountain gives you regeneration in the form of aura or buff, then if you leave the Fountain area, this aura will stay for three seconds. That is, after leaving the Fountain, you will still receive regeneration for three seconds.
Make the most of this interaction as much as possible. One way is, when you Teleport from Fountain to tower, use skills that you have. Since it still has Fountain regeneration, where that you throw away when using skills it will be filled again. This means you use one skills it for free.

Apart from using skills when fresh out of the Fountain, there are a few other ways to take advantage of this Fountain interaction. One of them is filling bottles.
The empty bottle is filled not when you are in the Fountain, but when the hero who uses it has the Fountain aura. There is one practical way to fill a bottle taking advantage of this interaction.
When any of your teammates Teleport from Fountain to tower, give him your bottle or put your bottle on the ground for him to pick it up. Since it still has Fountain aura for three seconds, your bottle will fill up once your teammate holds it. That way, you can fill the bottle without having to pick up Runes or go back to the Fountain.

Not only that, if he’s fast enough, your teammates might also be able to use one charge the bottle, and since it still has the Fountain aura, it will be refilled. After that he will return it to you.
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Similar to high ground advantage, shrine advantage is a huge advantage when teamfight.
Apart from the point for teleport, heal what this Shrine gave basically nullifies all damage generated by the opponent. This automatically makes the opponent throw cooldown and skills them for free, while all damage what you earn is still accepted by the opponent. In that situation, the opponent would naturally lose easily.
So, when your opponent invites teamfight near a Shrine that is still active, it’s better to be ladeni teamfight if you and your team are ready. On the other hand, if you want to do teamfight and find an opponent in their Shrine area, don’t do teamfight at all unless you can initiate and finish off one or two opponents immediately to minimize shrine advantage they.
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Yup, don’t just use Shrine just because you need HP regeneration and where. Pay attention to the teammates around you. If any of your teammates need HP regeneration and where, invite him to move towards the Shrine.
There are several other things you can do to make the most of this Shrine. For example, when you want to use the Shrine in the near future, you can tell your comrades at lane. Knowing that, your teammates could purposely play a little more aggressively and use everything where that he had, then moved to the Shrine to replenish where which he used.
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