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Dota 2 Tips and Tricks: Manipulating and Utilizing Skill or Spell Interactions

All skills that the heroes in Dota 2 have different effects and interactions. Some may have interactions that are quite clear and can be understood easily. But on the other hand there are also some skills which has unique attributes, effects, and interactions that you can use to gain an advantage when playing.

This time, we will discuss some interactions skills which you can manipulate and use for efficiency and other things that will benefit you.

1. Creep Deny Will Not Eliminate Templar Assassin’s Refraction Charge

Dota 2 tips and tricks for templar assassin spell manipulation skills

When using Templar Assassin, when you attack creeps alone, you won’t lose Refraction charge. However damage what you produce remains large according to bonus damage that you get from Refraction.

You can use this trick when thinking about Psi Blades. When doing deny, make sure you stand in a position parallel to creeps and/or opposing heroes. That way you can do last hits and/or harass without having to lose Refraction charge.

2. You Can Go Back to Team fight Once Back to Life Using Time Lapse Weaver

Time Lapse Weaver allows you to return to your HP position and condition and where five seconds ago. Uniquely, when you come back to life after being killed, these five seconds are seen from when you are still alive, not when you are dead.

You can use this interaction to return to teamfight quickly. Just use Time Lapse once you come back to life, and you will return to the position and state five seconds before you died.

One important thing is, make sure you remember your current position and condition. If you’re in a really bad position at the time and/or have very little HP, using Time Lapse will make you die silly. My advice, use this trick only when you die instantly because burst damage.

3. You Can Teleport with Boots of Travel to Astral Spirit Elder Titan

Yup, the Elder Titan’s Astral Spirit still counts as non-hero unit. So, you can use the Boots of Travel to this Astral Spirit like a creeps others such as Beastmaster’s beast or Brewmaster’s Primal Split.

Unlike other units, this Astral Spirit cannot be attacked at all. So you are guaranteed to be successful in doing teleport.

4. Fortune’s End Can Be Targeted at Teammates, But Will Still Bind Enemies Around It

tips and tricks for dota 2 spell oracle manipulation skills

Yup, when Fortune’s End lands on a teammate and opponent at the same time, your opponent will be hit by a reduction effect movement speed to zero. While your teammates will only accept debuff removal and still able to move freely.

You can use this interaction if you want to use Fortune’s End from a great distance. Target Fortune’s End to creeps or the unit itself, then while you are still loading the projectile in hand, move the unit near the enemy hero. No matter how far the unit goes, Fortune’s End will still come out on it, while nearby enemy heroes will be restrained, giving your teammates a chance to do so. kill.

5. You Can Exit the Map with Sun Ray Phoenix

tips and tricks for dota 2 spell manipulation phoenix sun ray

Sun Ray Phoenix allows the hero to move over cliffs. Not only that skills this turns out to be able to be used to climb up the cliff on the edge of the map, which means the same as getting off the map and cannot be touched by the opposing hero.

You can use this trick when your opponent tries to do it gank. Just use Sun Ray and move to the edge of the map. While moving, use the TP Scroll to return to the base without being disturbed by the opponent’s hero.

If you have other tricks that are not in the list above, feel free to include them in the comments column.

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