Dota 2 Hero Guide: How to Play Gyrocopter
Gyrocopter is a hero agility long distance capable of producing damage AoE or single quite a big target. This ability makes him have potential scaling very good until the end of the game.
Blessing skill set what he has and how fast he can do farm and scaling, Gyrocopter is often installed as carry. But he is also one carry which can be quite active in mid game thanks to some magic damage which he has.
- Have damage very good area
- Not like most carry, he has damage which is quite large in early and mid game
- Able to do farm very quickly.
- Has a fairly short attack distance compared to carry another long distance
- Do not have escape mechanism
- It’s easy enough to die once caught
1. Rocket Barrage
The gyrocopter fires a barrage of rockets at nearby enemies for several seconds.

- Search radius: 400
- Rockets per second: 10
- Damage per rocket: 7/12/17/22
- Duration: 3 seconds
- Cooldown: 7/6.5/6/5.5 seconds
- Where is the cost: 90
Rocket Barrage is spell strong enough in early game. If you can land all the rockets from spell this to one opponent hero in full duration, you can earn up to 660 damage at level four.
2. Homing Missile
The gyrocopter fires a search rocket at a target opponent. After delay a few seconds, this rocket will pursue its target. Unless destroyed before hitting the target, this rocket will produce damage as well as stun to that target. If the target dies first, this rocket will search for a new target that is closest and prioritize the hero.

- Distance cast: 1050
- Rocket HP: 3 hero attacks, or 6 attacks tower
- Damage: 100/175/250/325
- Duration stun: 2.25/2.5/2.75/3 seconds
- Cooldown: 26/21/16/11 seconds
- Where is the cost: 120/130/140/150
Since getting changes in patches 7.07, Homing Missile could be spell which is quite strong both in early nor late game. Damage The resulting output is quite large, but the most important thing is that besides being quite difficult to destroy, this Homing Missile will look for another opponent if its first target dies. This allows you to do follow up kill when doing team fight because this Homing Missile will hold the next hero.
3. Flak Cannon
For several shots or the duration is still there, the Gyrocopter attack will hit all enemies in the vicinity.

- Search radius: 1250
- Number of attacks: 3/4/5/6
- Duration: 15 seconds
- Cooldown: 40 seconds
- Where is the cost: 50
Flak Cannon is spell which makes Gyrocopter capable of being carry which is very scary in late game. When used, the Gyrocopter will generate damage to all enemies around him. Moment late game where Gyrocopter already has damage With such a large size, the Flak Cannon will finish off all opponents quickly if they’re not careful.
4. Call Down
The gyrocopter launches two missiles that will land and explode into the area he specifies. The first missile will produce damage the biggest and slow, while the second missile generates damage which is less, but gives slow the stronger one.

- Distance cast: 1000
- Effect Radius: 600
- Damage first missile: 150/250/350
- Damage second missile: 100/150/200
- slow first missile: 30%
- slow second missile: 60%
- Duration slow first missile: 2 seconds
- Duration slow second missile: 4 seconds
- Cooldown: 55/50/45 seconds
- Where is the cost: 125
Call Down is one of the spell which makes Gyrocopter have potential damage and ability team fight very high at the start of the game. With a fairly large radius, Call Down can definitely find several targets at once team fight. slow generated is also possible follow up from spell or other heroes.
Talent Tree
- Level 25: Call Down has distance cast global or Homing Missile is available in the form of charge as much as 3
- Level 20: -25 seconds cooldown Call Down or +40 movement speed
- Level 15: +11 Damage Rocket Barrage or +0.5 seconds stun Homing Missile
- Level 10: +200 HP or +20 damage

For starters, focus on maximizing Rocket Barrage and Homing Missile. Rocket Barrage has scaling which gets pretty bad over time. So you want to maximize damage resulting from spell this is all early game before your opponent gets too tanky and don’t care about damage from spell this.
After that maximize Homing Missile. stun from skills this is very useful to do setup kill or chase the opponent who is the target gank. In team fight, the interaction of the Homing Missile searching for a new target after the original target dies also makes team fight become easier.

Maximize the last Flak Cannon. At the beginning of the game, you don’t have damage or attack speed sufficient to maximize the potential of spell this is good for team fight or do farm in ancient stack.
Of course, if you get farm enough in early game and strong enough to do farm stack ancient at the beginning, you can pick up the Flak Cannon early. But I recommend still taking at least one level of Homing Missile. Effect stun from spell it’s still useful.

At the start of the game, buy the standard regeneration as well as some components for the Ring of Aquila. As a hero agility who use it quite often spell at the beginning of the game, Ring of Aquila will provide regeneration where addition. That way you can keep using spell and have potential kill at the beginning. Especially stats provided is also quite useful.
Gyrocopter has several options items which is quite popular and often used. But the most used of them all are the Black King Bar and also Sange and Yasha.
Remember, Gyrocopter is a hero who is quite vulnerable and doesn’t have any escape mechanism, this makes it impossible for him to just walk into the middle team fight. BKB will help you to survive longer in the middle team fight while producing damage with Flak Cannon.

Meanwhile, Sange and Yasha as a whole have a synergy with Gyrocopter. Strength what he earned made him a little more tanky, covering one of its weaknesses. Agility also give damage extras and bonuses attack speed and movement speed what he earns allows him to earn damage faster with Flak Cannon.
Besides two items that, there are several items again quite popular. Some players like to make Mask of Madness or Drum of Endurance as items early to speed up the process farming. Butterfly can give damage as well as allowing you to withstand physical attacks from carry opponent.
Lately some Gyrocopters also often buy Eye of Skadi. Apart from giving stats for survival In addition, the loss of Orb Effect makes Flak Cannon also have the effect of Eye of Skadi.

Although not very popular, Dragon Lance and Hurricane Pike can also be an option at times early game, especially if you need to keep a deep distance team fight. While for ultra late game, you can buy Monkey King Bar to face opponents who have evasion tall. Satanic can also give you a “second life” in the middle team fight.
Lastly, thanks to the Flak Cannon that can produce damage against all opponents in the surrounding area, the Divine Rapier can be the ultimate weapon if your team is in a pinch.

Similar to heroes agility like Luna and Weaver, Gyrocopter is carry who have potential kill in early game thanks to Rocket Barrage and Homing Missile. If you are accompanied support who can play aggressively, it never hurts to try to get kill start if possible with two spell your start.
Even so, always be careful when you want to try to play aggressively. Even though I have damage which is ok in early game, Gyrocopter is a hero who is quite vulnerable in early game. Misjudging the situation could even get you killed.
Know who you are up against and consider whether you can kill him in lane or not. If you can’t kill your opponent, play it safer and just do it farming as good as possible.

Gyrocopter is one of the heroes who can take ancient stack quite quickly thanks to the Flak Cannon. Therefore, ask support your team to do stack If possible. After you have items and enough level, take stack it is to accelerate farm you.
Once you hit level six, you have damage output which cannot be taken lightly. Call Down is team fight spells very strong, especially in early game thanks to its very large area. Therefore, feel free to join the dalah team fight in early game if you feel team fight you can win it easily.
Enter mid game, you just need to repeat the farm cycle and team fight as efficiently as possible. That way you can make the transition to late game more easily.

In late game, you are a pretty terrible hero especially in team fight quite crowded. Thanks to the Flak Cannon, you can earn damage to all opponents in the area team fight. If your opponent is not careful with positioning, they could be wiped out with just a few Flak Cannon attacks.
Even though it looks strong thanks to the Flak Cannon, don’t be rash in doing it team fight. Gyrocopter has a fairly short range of attack. That means it has to go deep enough into the middle team fight to be able to produce damage the maximum of the Flak Cannon. Even though Gyrocopter in late game strong enough, he can still die easily if surrounded by enemies.

Always pay attention to your position. Don’t get caught by the opponent before team fight started. Come inside team fight after your teammate initiates and the opportunity to attack freely and safely.
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