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Dota 2 Tips and Tricks: Efficiency in the Jungle (Jungling)

Jungling is to do farming by killing creeps in the forest from the start of the game. The goal is to take the Gold available in the forest from the start of the game which means increasing net worth the team as a whole.

Not all heroes can do jungling. But when using a hero who can do jungling well, you still need to do it correctly and efficiently in order to get the maximum Gold.

Well, in this article we will give some simple tips for those of you who want to use heroes jungler which are of various types.

1. For Jungler Type Summoner, RegenerationWhere Much More Efficient Than HP


Almost all heroes summoner or who can have creeps itself, be it permanent or temporary, is jungler the fastest and most efficient in Dota 2. Because when a hero like this does jungling, creeps they will receive all damage from creeps Forest.

If you use jungler like Enigma, Nature’s Prophet, Chen, or the like, I suggest you invest more in Clarity Potion instead of Tango or other HP regeneration. Because damage acceptable to creeps belonging to this hero is greater than the regeneration that you can get from a Tango set.

Let’s take the example of Nature’s Prophet with Nature’s Call. At level one, Nature’s Call can spawn two Treants who each have 550 HP. That means Nature’s Call at level one can help you receive a total of 1,100 damage from creeps Forest.


One Clarity for 50 Gold can get you 190 where, more than enough to use another Nature’s Call. That means, technically, one Clarity Potion can give you a total of 1,100 additional HP for jungling. Well, compare it to Tango which costs 125 Gold. One set tango gives a total of 460 HP. That was definitely a lot lower than what one cheaper Clarity Potion could provide.

Oh, one more thing, don’t forget damage generated by creeps your own. It can also allow you to do jungling more quickly.

Generally, jungling using a hero of this type can start the game with two Clarity and a Tango set. Even if you want, you can ask your teammates to ask for two Shared Tangos, and use the remaining Gold you have to buy items others, or saved so that you can get items your main faster.

2. For Jungler Who Uses Tranquil Boots, Puts Shoes on the Ground While Hitting Creep Forest

dota2-efficiency-jungling-tranquil-boots tips tips-and-tricks

A number of jungler capable of receiving damage in large numbers like Ax usually use Tranquil Boots as his shoe of choice. The reason is obvious because this shoe provides a very large HP regeneration (10 HP per second), very useful for jungler who receives damage directly like Ax.

When using this hero, there is one efficiency trick that you may already know. Before starting to hit creeps forest, put the Tranquil Boots on the ground first. After you finish finishing creeps forest, take back Tranquil Boots. That way, the regeneration effect of this shoe is not affected cooldown, alias can be activated immediately.

So while moving to creeps next forest, some of your HP will return and you are ready to receive again damage.

One thing you should pay attention to is, be careful when doing this if your opponent has a hero with inisibility like Bounty Hunter or Riki. You certainly don’t want your shoes to be taken or destroyed while finishing off creeps Forest.

3. Can’t Finish Creep Before Substitution Minutes? Try Doing Stacking


Always pay attention to the time when you do jungling. If you can’t finish creeps the forest you are attacking before the turn to odd minutes, do it immediately stacking by fishing creeps remaining forest from where he lived.

If you don’t do this, and just finish creeps forest through the turn of the minute, one location creeps it will be empty for two minutes. Means in two minutes you lose a source of Gold to take. By doing stacking first, you prevent that possibility and still get the maximum Gold.

4. Don’t AFK Farm! Take note minimap and Help Your Team If It Is Needed


Even though playing as jungler, that doesn’t mean you can stay in the forest and just ignore whatever happens on the map. Indeed, have one jungler means maximizing all available resources on the map and upgrading net worth the team as a whole. But at the same time, jungler also make one or even two lane your team is a little weaker, especially if you don’t want to help out every now and then.

Help your teammates according to the ability of the hero you are using. If you use Enigma, don’t be lazy to pay attention lane side. Try to do gank if the opponent’s hero is seen out of position and you have a teammate who can help. Once you reach level six, do TP if your team is doing teamfight and land the Blackhole.


Even if you use jungler the least capable teamight even at the beginning of the game, you can at least help by monitoring the rune when the time enters even minutes. Or even simpler, when you want to use the Shrine, invite or ask a teammate who is near you if he wants to use it too.

There are so many things you can do to help your teammates while jungling. That help, no matter how small, will lighten the burden on your other teammates.

5. Pay Attention to Experience Gain to Check If There Are “Buffers” Around You


As I mentioned in the third point, be careful when your opponent has a hero who is capable and indeed assigned to bother you while doing it jungling. Heroes like Bounty Hunter, Riki, or Treant Protector can suddenly appear, attack you, or even steal last hits which you really need. Even if he doesn’t appear, this annoying hero will stand by you and steal Experience which is also quite important at the beginning of the game.

To track whether the hero invisible This intruder is near you, pay attention to the Experience you gain when killing one creeps Forest. If it’s not as much as it should be, it means that there are other heroes standing around you stealing Experience. Try to take precautions such as inviting your teammates to come and get rid of them with the help of Dust of Appearance or Sentry Ward.

6. If you believe you will be disturbed by your opponent from the start, secure the forest area as soon as possible


If you are jungler like Enigma which has a big impact on the match if it gets Blink Dagger and/or Mekansm, the opponent will try their best to disturb you in the forest.

One way is with heroes invisible as I mentioned above. But besides that there are many other ways, such as blocking locations creeps important forest with Wards, set up an Observer Ward in the forest to monitor your movements, or occasionally venture into the forest to find and kill you.

If your team composition clearly shows that you will become jungler, secure your forest as soon as possible. Ask your team to jointly enter the forest area, install the Observer Ward and Sentry ward at one of the forest entrances, and guard several important areas such as the Bounty Rune point.

Do this as fast as you can, because the opposing team may be willing to use TP to get to your forest first and ruin your day in the forest itself.

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