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Dota 2 Hero Guide: Phantom Assassin

Who doesn’t know Mortred, the Phantom Assassin? A distinctive hero with agility and damage thanks to his critical attack, this is the most used by All Pick players this month according to data from Dotabuff.

So, what makes Phantom Assassin (PA) so much in demand by All Pick players? How to play it well? Through this article, you can read a guide on how to play as a good PA and level up your enemies.


  • Have escape mechanism and high mobility thanks to Phantom Strike
  • Can do farming and poke/harass from a safe distance
  • Have potential damage Very large


  • Despite having skilll cheap ones, Phantom Assassin also has intelligence growth which is bad (1.4 per level), making this hero’s mana capacity very small.
  • His ability to kill opponents isn’t very consistent because it’s percentage based
  • High dependence on damage items like Battle Fury or Desolator
  • Single target, there is not any damage areas except using Battle Fury

1. Stifling Dagger

Throws a knife at the enemy, slows it down, gives damage, vision, and the effect of items or skills like a normal attack.

  • Range: 525/750/975/1200
  • Damage: 65 + 25%/40%/55%/70% of attack damage
  • Opportunity critical hits: 15% (if you already have Coup de Grace)
  • Movement speed slow: 50%
  • Duration slow: 1.75/2.5/3,.25/4 seconds
  • Where is the cost: 30
  • Cooldown: 6 seconds

Stifling Dagger is your ultimate tool for early game, because it can be used for almost anything, from farming, harass, initiation gank, or chasing the enemy. Because it has where is the cost which is very small, you can also use it many times.

Moreover, since it produces the same effect as your physical attacks, skills it can also generate damage very big in late game if you have items such as Desolator, Battlefury, or Skull Basher.

2. Phantom Strike

Switch to enemy or friend units and give bonuses attack speed when attacking the enemy.

  • Range: 1000
  • Bonus attack speed: 100/125/150/175
  • Maximum duration: 2 seconds
  • Cooldown: 11/9/7/5 seconds
  • Manacost: 35/40/45/50

You can take one level of Phantom Strike to escape or take last hits when killing heroes. Because it has manacost which is quite high, you must be wise not to use it too often early in the game or make it impossible for you to escape later. One thing you need to remember, bonus effects attack speed from skills this will disappear as soon as you attack another unit within the duration of the Phantom Strike effect.

3. Blur

Phantom Assassin has the ability to dodge physical attacks. When activated, it will camouflage itself from mini map when away from enemy heroes.

If using Aghanim’s Scepter, Blur doesn’t have fading delay aka instant, has an effect dispel, and have cooldown the shorter one. If you manage to kill the opponent’s hero, everyone cooldown you will be lost.

  • Detection Radius: 600
  • Evasion: 20%/30%/40%/50%
  • Active duration: 25 seconds
  • Cooldown: 60/55/50/45 seconds (12 seconds with Aghanim)
  • Where is the cost: 50

Blur can be one of your ways to stay alive and doing farming quietly. Opposing players who rarely pay attention to other locations on the map will not be aware of your presence, because your hero icon will not appear on the map mini map if far from the opponent’s hero.

Blur can also detect approaching heroes at a distance of 1600 units. However, blur can’t detect heroes invisible or have spell immune. Oh yeah, Blur too stack with source evasion another by the multiplication method. If you have Butterfly, then total evasion owned by PA is (50% x 35%) + 50% = 67.5%

Also read: Understanding the Differences in Armor, Magic Resistance, Damage Block, and Evasion

4. Coup de Grace

Phantom Assassin has a chance to cast damage critical to each attack.

  • Critical opportunities: 15%
  • Damage critical: 200%/325%/450%

Since you depend on “luck”, you can’t really rely on skills this passive. This inconsistency is the weakness of PA. But at least, once you get critical, you can quickly kill the opponent’s hero while benefiting your team in teamfight. Luckily Phantom Strike also provides extras attack speed, no?

Talent Tree

  • Level 25: Stiffling Dagger hits two additional targets or +10% chance of Coup de Grace
  • Level 20: +25% evasion Blur or -4 Armor Corruption
  • Level 15: +25% cleave or 15% lifesteal
  • Level 10: +15 damage or +200 HP

I prefer Phantom Assassin to invest in Stifling Dagger, then continue maximizing Phantom Strike. The reason is simple, in order to be able to contribute more in teamfight.

Many people play too safe using PA, by maximizing Blur first. Whereas before you reach level 6, a level 3 Stifling Dagger can become a nuke strong with only 20 where just. Then at level 7, Stifling Dagger level 4 can give damage which is very large only by paying 15 where.

Phantom Strike can also be used flexibly, offensively or defensively depending on the situation, and at high levels you can use it many times in a short time, making you much more powerful. mobile. At level 4, you can use Phantom Strike once every five seconds to escape, or attack enemies quickly and increase your chances of taking a critical for four seconds.

However, of course you can maximize Blur first before Phantom Strike. If you feel more secure and comfortable that way, do it. But you will play a little more passively, and it will be difficult to escape from the pursuit of the heroes nuker.


As you can see, I didn’t put the Battle Fury on items the essence of Phantom Assassin. Items it goes into items that you should only get in certain situations; that is if you can get it before 14th minute, you are the only one carry (like it or not have to play late game), and your friends at lane others don’t feeding and can give you a little extra time and space to farming.

Indeed, Battle Fury provides damage which is quite large and can regenerate HP as well as where. Battle Fury also has cleave to make it easier for you to do farm. But therein lies the problem. You will tend to keep doing farm without trying to kill enemy heroes and get more XP and Gold.

With Desolator, your aggressive abilities are greatly increased. Corruption that can reduce armor 7 enemies will make damage your attack is much bigger than Battle Fury. You can also destroy Towers faster, and they’re 500 Gold cheaper than Battle Fury. Overall, Desolator gives you power midgame bigger than the Battle Fury.


For starters, just buy Blight Stone for effect minus armor. Before making a Desolator, it’s a good idea to prioritize Vladmir’s Offering for the sake of survival. The aura given by Vladmir’s Offering is also useful for your friends, especially carry second and even third. Worried about shortage damage? Aura damage given by items this is enough to help Coup de Grace earn 300-400 damage critical (plus Phase Boots).

Black King Bar is items mandatory and you should never miss. Keep in mind when using Phantom Strike, you may end up in the middle of a crowd of enemies. Activating the Black King Bar will save you from nuke or disable which makes you unable to attack and die quickly.Also read: The Importance of Considering the Choice and Order of Items

Gameplay Phantom Assassin


Armed with the Stifling Dagger, do it farm as safe and efficient as possible. Never be too aggressive if you have no way of escaping (there are no units to target Phantom Strike back). If the enemy you face in lane tend to have low HP and have no abilities nuke, it never hurts to do it once in a while poke or harass to then kill him with help support if the opportunity arises.

Don’t forget to pay attention too mini map. When the enemy does dive too deep in lane another and make him die, do TP, then use Stifling Dagger and Phantom Strike to kill him. This way, you will get more XP and Gold than doing farm. Success or not, go ahead farm in lane until your TP Scroll can be used again.


When you get Vladmir’s Offering while repaying Desolator, keep doing it farm aggressively in lane that feels safe. You mean not only farm only, but also do push and look for opportunities to kill enemy heroes as efficiently as possible.

For example you play as Radiant and are doing push in safe lane and saw the enemy walking on the river approaching the place runes lower. If anyone will help, approach the enemy, and try to kill him. With damage as well as level skills (Stifling Dagger and Phantom Strike) that you have at that time, you will most likely get pick off or kill this.

Another case is when you see the enemy team doing 5-man push. Stop it farm, and help your team. Don’t waste the effects of Vladmir’s Offering aura. What’s more, killing heroes gives you more XP and Gold than farm. If you win clash, the opportunity to claim Roshan was wide open.


If you feel you have items enough to do teamfight, it’s time to stop doing farm and start doing push together with your team. With damage big, killing enemy heroes has become an easy matter for PA. Initiate with Stifling Dagger, activate Black King Bar, and Phantom Strike on your target. If you’re lucky, the target will die instantly before you need to use Phantom Strike again.

When teamfight, you have to be careful of heroes with ultimate who can penetrate BKB effects like Beastmaster, Enigma, Bane, Queen of Pain, or Lina (with Aghanim’s Scepter). There are two ways to deal with this.

First, let initiator in your team that opens clash first. Disabler like Tidehunter, Earthshaker, or Enigma are good initiators for PA, because they allow themselves to do free hits for a few seconds.

If your team doesn’t have an initiator, the second way is to kill an important target first while expecting you to take out a critical. This is where PA’s weakness shows. If you don’t issue a critical, the enemy will react and control your movement. When you can’t do anything and are deep within the enemy’s line of defense, pray Blur or lag will save you.

Hopefully lucky using Phantom Assassin.

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