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Dota 2 Hero Guide: How to Play Tidehunter

Tidehunter is a hero strength which is known as tank as well as team initiator. His ability to receive as much as possible damage from the opponent while earning damage which cannot be underestimated makes Tidehunter a reliable frontline hero.

Generally, Tidehunter is used as offlaner and sometimes as support. However, because it is able to take advantage of the many resources available in folder, he is much more effective when played as offlaner, and the guide below we also created specifically for offlane Tidehunter.


  • Enough tanky alias is thick and can receive a lot damage and disable opponent
  • Have skills very strong initiation
  • Able to survive and dominate lane even when alone
  • Can do farming in the forest very easily


  • Where’s the pool relatively small and limited
  • Damage output limited

1. Gush

Sprays water on one opponent, resulting in damage, reduce movement speed, and reduce armor. Aghanim’s Scepter will provide upgrade to skills this, making it a wave that washes away enemies that hit it, and gives the same effect.

  • Range: 700 (1800 with Aghanim’s Scepter)
  • Wave distance: 1800 (only if using Aghanim’s Scepter)
  • Wave radius: 240 (only if using Aghanim’s Scepter)
  • Damage: 110/160/210/260
  • Armor reduction: 4/5/6/7
  • Movement speed slow: 40%
  • Duration: 4 seconds
  • Cooldown: 12 seconds (7 seconds with Aghanim’s Scepter)
  • Where is the cost: 90/100/110/120

Gush is quite useful for starting a gank because it makes your opponent slow down and die more easily. use skills This is to the opponent who wants to focus first in the middle teamfight. But because it has where is the cost which is quite expensive, use skills this wisely early in the game.

2. Kraken Shell

Tidehunter blocked some damage of the opponent’s physical attacks that he received. When Tidehunter received a certain amount of damage within a certain time, Kraken Shell will eliminate all debuff that existed at the time.

  • Damage block: 12/24/36/48
  • The amount of damage taken to eliminate debuff: 600/550/500/450
  • Counting time damage received: 6 seconds

Skills this is what makes Tidehunter difficult to kill, can survive in lane alone and can become a frontline hero who tanky. Remove effect debuff from skills this is also not to be taken lightly. For example, if you are hit stun and in duration stun that you receive damage sufficient, stun it will disappear and you can move back.

Also read: Understanding the Differences in Armor, Magic Resistance, Damage Block, and Evasion

3. Anchor Smash

Tidehunter swung his anchor weapon, producing damage and reduce damage attack enemies around him for a few seconds.

  • Radius: 375
  • Damage: 75/125/175/225
  • Amount damage reduced opponent: 45%/50%/55%/60%
  • Duration: 6 seconds
  • Cooldown: 7/6/5/4 seconds
  • Where is the cost: 30/40/50/60

Anchor Smash is your main tool to get farm and dominate lane. Apart from giving damage large enough to warrant last hits, its reducing effect damage the opponent’s attack also reduces the opponent’s ability to farming. Lastly, because it’s AoE, Anchor Smash is also a good tool to do farming in the forest when you have to or you really need extra Gold.

4. Ravage

The Tidehunter shoots out tentacles from underground in the surrounding area, lifting and giving effect stun to the opponent in the area in addition to generating damage.

  • Radius: 1250
  • Travel speed tentacle: 725
  • Reach each tentacle to lift the enemy: 250
  • Damage: 200/290/380
  • Duration stun: 2.4/2.6/2.8 seconds
  • Cooldown: 150 seconds
  • Where is the cost: 150/225/325

Ravage is a very powerful initiation tool, and one of the big reasons to use Tidehunter. Area of skills It’s huge, and when used optimally, can lock in many opposing heroes and give your teammates a chance to take positions or earn damage safely.


  • Level 25: +250 damage or 25% cooldown reduction
  • Level 20: +5 armor reduction from Gush or +30 damage block from Kraken Shell
  • Level 15: +25% damage reduction from Anchor Smash or +40% XP gain
  • Level 10: +80 damage Gush or +25 movement speed

Because being in a position offlane, build skills This is intended to be safe in that position while still being able to get farm. Before level six, you usually only need to take Anchor Smash and Kraken Shell, but what you take at level one depends on the conditions lane.

If you are sure you will get lane which is quite heavy from the start, take Kraken Shell at level one. If on the other hand you feel that you can interfere with the opponent’s hero at lane without getting serious threats, take the Anchor Smash first.

To maximize your ability to do farm, maximize the Anchor Smash first. You should have had enough tanky to do farming anywhere with just two Kraken Shell levels.

Enough decision tricky it’s actually on Gush. Usually, because where is the cost which is too high, you are not advised to take skills this is after stepping on level six and having where is the pool sufficient. But if it turns out that you and/or your teammates are active enough to do it roaming and ganking, there is no harm in taking one level of Gush for effect slow and minus armorhis.


In addition to basic regeneration like Tango, Healing Salve, and Clarity, you’ll need a Ring of Protection which in addition to making you a little more tanky and can be made into an Iron Talon from the Side Shop. Complementing it, you can pick up additional stats items such as Ironwood Branch or Gauntlets of Strength.

For shoes, there is almost no other choice than Arcane Boots. You really need where additional to be able to continue usingskills, is it good for farming nor teamfight. But before you finish these Arcane Boots, you should make Iron Talon first.

Formerly, items The main and first for Tidehunter is Blink Dagger. But thanks to the Iron Talon that allows you to do farm in the forest faster, you can make Mekansm first before buying Blink Dagger. Mechans alone can make you so much more tanky, and heal given will also be very useful for teamfight.


The only time you have to buy Blink Dagger first is when your team really needs a solid and guaranteed initiation in order to do this. teamfight as soon as possible. But beyond that, I still suggest Mekansm first.

After getting two items your next choice depends on the situation. The easiest is to combine Mekansm and Arcane Boots into Guardian Greaves. Then if you need extra mobility and utility, Force Staff can be an option. If your job is to be super tanks On the front lines, Pipe of Insight or Shiva’s Guard are two solid choices depending on the opponent you’re up against.

To increase the potential of all skills what you have, buy Aghanim’s Scepter to get a new Gush and add stats. Otherwise, buy a Refresher Orb so you can lock your opponent for longer when making a successful initiation.

Gameplay Tidehunter


Your main task at early game is to get as much as possible experience and levels, while occasionally stealing farm if possible. Anchor Smash and Kraken Shell will really help you to do both. Even if the situation allows, you can even interfere with the opponent’s hero doing farm.

Always pay attention to your position, don’t get too far from a safe position. If it turns out that you have to step back and wait, do it stacking for you to take later.

Sometimes, you’ll be at a point where you can’t get anything anymore lane because your opponent puts a lot of pressure and threat. In this situation, as long as you have a sufficient level plus Iron Talon, you should be able to move to the forest. But if you can still get a lot of things at lane, I suggest staying and being a nuisance to your opponent.


Once you hit level six, look for opportunities to do teamfight or get kill the important one. Ravage is skills a very strong one that can easily make your team win teamfight. But sometimes you can only use it to kill one or two targets, provided that the target is an important hero, for example carry or a hero who can snowball quickly.

If Ravage is in cooldown, back to doing farming whether it’s in lane or in the forest. Then once Ravage is ready to be used again, look for more opportunities to do teamfight or kill.

Once you get Mekansm, you are a hero who can hardly be killed. This allows you to be more active in searching teamfight. Then once you get Blink Dagger, you are a very dangerous hero, especially if you can hide your whereabouts well.


Enter late game, some enemy heroes might start to kill you. Besides, Ravage is no longer a insta-win in teamfight, especially if the opponent has spell immunity.

The first factor that determines the magnitude of your impact on late game is a choice items. Recognize the team’s situation and needs and create items that meet those needs. That way, you will be much more effective once you enter late game.

When doing teamfight, especially when the opponent initiates first, don’t carelessly use Ravage. In late game, one teamfight can determine the outcome of the match, therefore you have to maximize skills this. Wait for the opponent’s BKB duration to run out and/or find the right moment to capture as many opponents as possible with Ravage.

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