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Dota 2 Hero Guide: How to Play Ogre Magi

Ogre Magi is a hero intelligence which is often played in the position of support. But unlike most heroes support, Ogre Magi have melee attacks aka melee, and have strength, regeneration, and base armor very high.

These three things make this hero a support with advantages and disadvantages, as well as very different dynamics than heroes support in general.


  • Base strength, strength growth, base armor, and health regen high makes this hero enough tanky alias hard despite acting as support.
  • Have skill set which can meet various needs: stun, slow, buff, and burst damage.


  • Have base intelligence and intelligence growth small ones for heroes intelligence. This makes him have where is the pool which is quite minimal.
  • Though tanky, Ogre Magi is a hero melee slow and minimal mobility. In certain situations, this will be difficult for him.

1. Fireblast

Ogre Magi shoots fire at one target, resulting in damage and also stun to that target.

  • Range: 475
  • Damage: 60/120/180/240
  • Duration stun: 1.5 seconds
  • Cooldown: 11/10/9/8 seconds
  • Where is the cost: 75/85/95/105

Disable your main character in the game, and… that’s it. Without Multicast, Fireblast actually has damage the usual with the duration stun which is passable.

2. Ignite

Throws two balls that will burn the target as well as the nearest opposing unit, resulting in damage overtime and movement speed slow.

  • Range: 700
  • Multicast Radius: 1400
  • Effect Radius: 0
  • Damage: 26/34/42/50 per second
  • Movement speed slow: 20%/22%/24%/26%
  • Effect duration: 5/6/7/8 seconds
  • Cooldown: 15 seconds
  • Where is the cost: 90

at a glance skills this looks normal. But if you count, Ignite at emoat level can give a total of 400 damage, roughly equivalent to 1/3 HP for a hero with a thin HP at level seven.

3. Bloodlust

Increase attack speed and also movement speed teammates starting from heroes, creeps, or towers.

  • Range: 600
  • Multicast Radius: 700
  • Bonus movement speed: 7%/9%/11%/13%
  • Bonus attack speed to colleagues: 30/40/50/60
  • Bonus attack speed to yourself: 30/40/50/60
  • Duration: 30 seconds
  • Cooldown: 20/18/16/14 seconds
  • Where is the cost: 65

Bonus movement speed from Bloodlust will be very useful in increasing your team’s mobility in all situations. Bonus attack speed as much as 16 percent can also increase damage which can be generated by carry on the team significantly.

4. Multicast

Skills passive that makes all skills others as well items Ogre Magi’s aggressiveness randomly spawns two to four times in a single use.

  • 2x Multicast Chance: 75%/75%/75%
  • 3x Multicast Chance: 0%/30%/30%
  • 4x Multicast Chance: 0%/0%/15%

Multicast is skills the ultimate Ogre Magi who made all skills something ordinary can be much easier to use, more effective, and also productive damage the greater one.

Aghanim’s Scepter Upgrade: Unrefined Fireblast

When possessing Aghanim’s Scepter, Ogre Magi will get skills this new. The way it works is similar to a regular Fireblast, with the difference in where is the cost.

  • Range: 475
  • Damage: 275
  • Duration stun: 1.5 seconds
  • Cooldown: 6 seconds
  • Where is the cost: 60 percent of the mana owned back then

Yup, you didn’t read it wrong. Where is the cost of Refined Fireblast is 60 percent of the amount where that you have at that time. So if you have 1000 at that time where, skills this means have where is the cost 600. But if you have 10 mana, skills this has where is the cost six. This allows you to use skills this anytime as long as you still have where. But of course use wisely if you still have and need a lot where, especially in teamfight.


  • Level 25: +240 damage Fireblast or +60 movement speed
  • Level 20: +50 attack speed from Bloodlust or +30 strength
  • Level 15: +275 HP or +80 damage
  • Level 10: +75 cast range or +16 damage per second Ignite

In the first two levels, you will need Ignite and Fireblast. Both give you the potential to do roaming or ganking if needed. Ignite itself is also very useful for doing harass in lane. But before level six, you need at least one point for each one skills. To ultimate, pick up at levels six, 12, and 18 as usual.

Always max out Fireblast as fast as possible. This is because when you reach level six, Fireblast will often come out twice thanks to chance multi-cast 2x by 75 percent. This will certainly improve damage you earn significantly.

After Fireblast, maximize Bloodlsut to increase potency damage teammate. After that, maximize Ignite even though to be honest even at a high level slow resulting from spell this is less significant. In addition to meta-game which places great emphasis on HP regeneration even since the phase laning, damage Ignite is often not felt at all.


As a hero who is very tanky since the first level, the Orb of Venom has value which is huge because it allows you to do harass very effectively. Especially if you bring enough regeneration either from Tango and Salve or Tango and Headdress.

Shoes for Ogre Magi are Arcane Boots to meet the needs whereits very intense. After that you can change the Arcane Boots component into Aether Lens which helps Ogre Magi capture the opponent’s hero from a greater distance.


But before getting the Aether Lens, you might want to consider the Hand of Midas first. Thanks to the new Multicast effect, Hand of Midas can almost always be used twice in a single use. This will certainly accelerate the Gold you earn. From there you can get items others more easily.

From there, you can buy Aether Lens and items other. Anything items it depends on the match situation. Glimmer Cape, Force Staff, Eul’s Scepter, and Ghost Scepter are common choices for heroes support. Beyond that, just look at the situation of the match. You may need Aghanim’s Scepter for extra disable, Spirit Vessel for damage overtime, Vladmir’s Offering and Lotus Orb for utility, or even Meteor Hammer for push power.


At the beginning of the game, you are the hero who tanky with armor, health, and very high regeneration. This makes you always superior when doing harass or hit each other with opposing heroes. Coupled with Wind Lace for movement speed extras and the Orb of Venom for slow, your job in doing harass would be much easier. Sometimes use Ignite too if you feel damage generated is enough to repel your opponent or allow you to land two additional hits on your opponent.

If you have or are not, you don’t need to do it harass, look for opportunities to rotate and gank. Coupled with the right hero, Fireblast and Ignite are enough for this matter. That way you can help your teammates win lane more easily.


Enter mid game, your job is to be near a teammate in need. Here, your decision in choosing build skills a little determines how successful your performance is in midgame (besides of course execution).

If your team wants to do push, come there to give Bloodlust to guarantee push the. If you are going to do teamfight, be in the right position with where sufficient. When nothing’s going on, find a place to do a little farm and get experience.

In teamfight, your task is to restrain the opponent who is considered dangerous with Fireblast and throw Ignite to reduce the opponent’s mobility. Then hit your opponent as much as possible. Items such as Force Staff and Aether Lens are very useful for Ogre Magi because they can give them mobility or positioning which is easier.


Enter late game, there is a possibility damage from Fireblast and Ignite are not that significant and are only useful for stun and slow just. Unless having luxury items like Aghanim’s Scepter or Veil of Discord, you’re just a Bloodlust giving machine in late game who have a little disable.

The way you do teamfight also didn’t change much. Enter to use Fireblast and Ignite, find a safe distance or position, then log back in to take out both skills the. But in the midst of that, don’t forget to keep using Bloodlust to your teammates.

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