Dota 2 Boston Major Open Qualifier #2: Almost for Indonesia, But Not Enough
The second open qualifier for the Boston Major is actually not yet fully completed because the Americas qualifiers are still ongoing. However, as the regional/major qualifiers for other regions will start soon, we will recap which teams have passed the open qualifiers and will compete in the regional qualifiers starting today.
Four Indonesian teams, Pondok Gaming, The Prime NND, EVOS, and Kanaya Gaming once again tried their luck in the open qualifiers of the Southeast Asia region.
Compared to the first qualifiers, they could progress further with The Prime NND making it to the semifinals. Unfortunately, their struggle stopped there after losing 1-2 to Rave from the Philippines. The open qualifier for this region was won by Fire Dragoon from Malaysia.
The Chinese regional qualifiers were controlled by the “junior” team of the EHOME organization. After the first qualifier was won by EHOME.X, the second qualifier was won by EHOME.Keen. Meanwhile the European qualifiers were won by Imperial, the Danish team which has recently begun to show its potential in the competitive realm Dota 2.
Most interesting is the American region qualifiers that are still ongoing today. After the first qualifier was won by Prodota from Europe defeating an “impromptu” team consisting of a number of caster, the number of European teams registering in the American qualifiers is increasing. The semifinals were filled by four European teamsSo, in the American regional qualifiers, there will be two teams that actually come from Europe. Such an irony.
As we mentioned above, the regional qualifiers for the Southeast Asia region are underway, and other regions will follow soon as well. You can watch all the matches live through the Watch feature in the game Dota 2 itself or streaming in channel Twitch Beyond The Summit.
For Indonesian commentators, you can visit channel YouTube RevivalTV or Ligagame eSports. Don’t forget to also support RRQ as Indonesia’s representative in this regional qualifier!
Image taken from Wykrhm Reddy’s Facebook page.
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