Chicken Dinner Tips When Playing Solo PUBG Mobile
PUBG Mobile is a game that has been downloaded in more than 100 countries. Game genre battle royale It is played by 100 players for each battle. The choice of playing mode also consists of 3 modes, namely solo, duo and squad. As the number of players increases, the difficulty of the game level increases, especially if you choose the solo mode. One of the drawbacks of solo mode is that no one can help you when you’re dying and need it revived. Don’t worry, friend, here are tips for you to get a long chicken dinner when playing PUBG Mobile solo.
Let’s Check out Chicken Dinner Tips When Playing Solo PUBG Mobile
Also Read: PUBG Mobile Weapons That Are Suitable at Close Range
1. Master Weapons and Survival Kits

It’s important for you to know the basics about survival gear, take some time to training ground to find out the reload time of each weapon and the time it takes to apply the medical kit and boost as well as the right time to throw a grenade. Usually, the weapon most favored by players in this game is the M416 or AWM. But there are also players who prefer to use snipers. Back again to how to play each. Oh yes, also know the right attachment for each weapon to maximize the time of use. Don’t be direct happy when you find an 8x scope, because it’s not necessarily the weapon you use that can be applied to the scope.
2. Must Memorize Map

In addition to choosing where to land, it is important to play solo. Another important thing is that you need to memorize the area in the map, know common places for looting and camping, and think like your opponent what they will do in general and where he will go.
Many players don’t realize that they all do repetition when looting such as which room he goes first or when rushing players tend to enter through the window, so we are better off waiting for him in front of the window than waiting behind the door, think like your opponent and you will know what they usually do and how to anticipate it.
3. Choose the Right Clothes

In general settings for players, usually clothes with a dark atmosphere are more supportive for you to adjust to the game environment than clothes with light shades, so adjust the clothes you wear with the environment map you choose. In addition, usually pro players tend to use high resolution which makes players with dark clothes more difficult to detect because of the shadowing effect of the environment. Then you choose clothes that are not flashy when camping / looting or scouting enemy areas.
4. Important to Organize Auto Loot Settings

Maybe there are rarely players who know about how to set auto pickup looting and what is its function to play? So before we go to how to do the settings, let’s first understand its function. The auto pick up in PUBG Mobile allows players to automatically loot items without having to tap on the item. Now sometimes in a condition while playing, maybe you have been the target of shooting while looting because you are confused about which item to take or when you are in the right position to finish off your enemy, you just realize your ammunition is inadequate. It could be that when your game is intense, you just realize that you don’t have enough medical kits or the right grenade supplies so you have to run away from the fight. There are times when you just realize that the bandage you take is large and takes up quite a lot of space and is too much to carry.
Now by setting this auto pick up, you can determine what items you should bring and pick up automatically and can maximize the game. The trick is simply to go to settings and select auto pickup then you will find the maximum ammo settings for each weapon, the number of grenades you need to take, the number of medical kits you must take. That way you don’t have to worry about picking up the wrong item again.
5. More Exercise

Your journey to become a pro player is not easy, even for pro players even if they do a lot of intensive and measured training and regular evaluation of their statistics and minimize mistakes while playing. It takes high flying hours to become an expert in this game. To become a pro player, you also need to learn directly from a pro player. To learn, you can watch the pro player gameplay on YouTube
Those are tips for you to get a long chicken dinner when playing PUBG Mobile solo. How will Vexa friends do these tips? See you next time..
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