Carrying the Franchise Concept, the Mobile Legends League is Officially Held, Jakarta – Mobile Legends Bang-bang Professional League Indonesia (MPL-ID) is back for the fourth season. This season the organizers adopted the franchise league model to build financial and industrial security e-sports in Indonesia.
This competition was developed by Shanghai Moontoon Technology. According to MPL-ID’s Marketing Director, Dylan Chia, the implementation of adopting this franchise league model makes MPL-ID the first e-sports competition in Southeast Asia that carries this concept.
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The purpose of this franchise concept is considered to be to overcome many of the problems faced by participants in the previous season, such as regulatory uncertainty which led to a lack of standardization of contracts between teams and players.
“However, with the team’s permanent status, it is possible to implement standards that protect all parties involved,” said Dylan in Jakarta, Tuesday (23/07/2021)
The MPL-ID franchise model assigns a permanent slot in the league to each team. With a franchise fee of USD $ 1 million or IDR 13.9 billion for one payment, the participating teams and players will get various benefits.
“Because the model is a franchise, we will share more than 50% of the revenue to the entire team,” added Dylan.
In addition, for professional players there will be a contract that is valid for 6 months for each season, and a minimum salary. Unfortunately, Dylan refused to mention the nominal salary. “There will be a minimum salary and a contract that is valid for 6 months,” said Dylan.
MPL-ID Season 4 will be joined by the defending champion season 3, Onic E-sports along with seven other participants, namely Alter Ego, Aura, Bigetron E-sports, Evos, Geek Fam, Genflix Aerowolf and Rex Regum Qeon.
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This season’s league will feature 56 matches played in 8 weeks from 23 August 2021 to 13 October 2021 at XO Hall Tanjung Duren, Jakarta.
Later, the 6 teams with the best records will compete for the Fourth MPL-ID Championship at Tennis Indoor Senayan, Jakarta, from October 26, 2021 to October 27, 2021. The total prizes up for grabs reach USD $ 300 thousand or Rp 4.1 billion. [NM/HBS]
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