As is well known, to adjust the team, there are lots of hero roles in the Dota 2 game that can be used in an esports tournament so that the team’s needs can be balanced and win the match. Have you ever seen a team that chose a carry hero but none of them used a support hero? Or in a team has no disabler at all? Before discussing further about the dota 2 hero role, Kabar Games will first discuss the types of heroes in the Dota 2 game.
This hero has very high damage and armor, most of them are tankers, although not all depends on the role of the hero. Examples of this type of hero are Svem (tanker), Ax (tanker), Lifestealer (tanker), or Omniknight (support).
Agility Heroes
This hero is very troublesome, because it has very high damage per second, HP is the main weakness of this hero. But if this hero item is ready, it will be very troublesome and very dangerous. Examples of this type of hero are Anti-mage (carry), Sniper (carry), Juggernaut (carry), Bloodseeker (carry) or Bounty Hunter (support).
Hero Intelligence
This hero has very high MP, but just like agility heroes, has low HP. Examples of these heroes are Crystal Maiden (support), Enchantress (support) Ogre Magi (support), night shaman (support), Outworld Devourer (carry), Invoker (carry) or Storm Spirit (Carry). Now let’s talk about the Dota 2 hero role used by professional esports teams to formulate strategies in their tournament events.
Role Carry
This hero has a top priority to find gold as quickly as possible, because the need for this hero item is very large and expensive. Most of these roles are late game types, but if the farming is at the right time and supported by support, then it is not impossible to be very strong in the mid game. Examples here are Shadow Fiend, Antimage, Troll Warlord, etc.
Carry is a hero who can gain the greatest offensive power as the game progresses and ultimately assume responsibility for the team’s victory at the end of the game. Carry tends to be very strong later in the late game and is relatively more reliable than other heroes, if the carry can collect the levels and items they need.
Role Support
This role is divided into two, Semi Support and Hard Support in charge of keeping the Carry. The difference is that Semi Support only helps in some games, but Hard Support helps in the whole game. Examples here are Crystal Maiden, Witch Doctor, Ogre Magi, Winter Wyvern, etc.
Support is a hero that aims to keep their teammates alive and give them the opportunity to get more gold and experience. Support usually has abilities that can help their team, such as healing spells or other abilities that can paralyze enemies.
Support is not very item dependent and generally only buys one or two items for their personal use – the remaining gold will be spent buying items for the benefit of the team such as Animal Courier, Observer Ward, Sentry Ward and Smoke of Deceit.
Role Initiator
The main task of this role is to open war, the easiest example of this role is when the game suddenly disappears from the lane and then opens a war suddenly from an unexpected direction. Examples of these heroes are Spirit Breaker, Axe, Faceless Void, Tide Hunter, etc.
Initiators are heroes who can safely and profitably start team battles. This type of hero usually has a strong area of damage and disable effects as well as several other abilities to affect the position of the enemy team. Many of these heroes depend entirely on positional items such as Blink Dagger or Force Staff to get them in the right position to start team battles.
Although an Initiator is a hero who can last a long time in team battles, this is not always the case, fragile initiator heroes like Enigma and Vengeful Spirit are sometimes heroes who cannot survive in battle. At the end of the game, this role becomes very important, because effective initiation can win team battles, and careless ones can lose.
Role Nuker
This role requires a hero with a very high ultimate skill so that the enemy is exposed to enormous damage. Examples of heroes with very high ultimate skills are Shadow Shaman, Lina, Sand King etc. Nukers are heroes with fast, powerful and/or sustained spells that do massive damage, be it through a single target or for area effect.
Because the area of damage effect mainly comes from their spells. Nukers can deal enormous damage-per-second in team battles, where they can harm several enemy heroes at once.
Area of effect nukers also excel at line pushing, as they can kill enemy creeps efficiently. Damage nukers like Lina are also very lethal, because a single combo of her spells can often kill or injure enemy heroes quickly before they can react, thus making team battles superior from the start.
The mana usage and cooldown of the spells often determine how they will be used, as lower mana usage and cooldown can be used in lines where ganks often occur, while higher mana usage and longer cooldown are often better saved for big and decisive battles. team win.
Role Disabler
Heroes included in the disabler role are heroes who have stun, silence skills or turn enemies into animals in a few moments. Examples of heroes in Dota 2 with this role are Ion (Earth Spike and Hex Skills), Shadow Shaman (Shackles and Hex Skills), Doom (Ultimate Skill) etc.
Heroes in Dota 2 who are marked as role Disablers generally have abilities that are more focused on reliable crowd control, either with single targets or based on area. Generally, heroes who have this role (because their abilities are not increased by items) are often together with Carry in one line to be able to dominate the game. Heroes with role disablers generally have a slow speed.
Role Pusher
The main task of the role pusher is to push the opponent and destroy the enemy tower as quickly as possible. Examples of heroes in Dota 2 in this role are Nature Prophet, Chaos Knight, Siren, etc. If they are successful, Heroes with pusher roles often cover enemy Carry heroes by forcing them away from the farming area.
Pusher roles usually have the ability to fortify team creep waves, harm many creeps and enemy heroes at once, summon minions, or inflict heavy damage on enemy towers so they are easy to destroy.
Role Durable
Better known as tankers, where this hero has very high armor and hp, usually he will be at the forefront to destroy the tower, even if the item has become a tower attack it will not affect this hero. Examples of heroes in Dota 2 in this role are Bristleback, Axe, Wraith King, Centaur Warrunner, etc.
Heroes who have a high level of resilience are heroes who have the potential to withstand a large amount of incoming damage from enemies. heroes with durable Roles tend to have a lot of EXP, blood regeneration, armor, or high resistance to magic skills from enemies. Besides that they also have the ability to reduce or avoid enemy damage completely.
Role Jungler
The main ability of this hero is jungling in the forest at the beginning of the game. Examples of Dota 2 heroes in this role are Juggernaut, Wraith King, Legion Commander, Enchantress, etc. Jungler is a hero who efficiently and naturally can directly farm at the beginning of the game, not just in line. This makes it possible to have two solo paths in one game, which in turn allows teammates to benefit from solo farming.
Jungler roles usually have abilities that allow them to convert neutral creeps, summon minions, or defend against forest creep damage early in the game.
Role Escaper
This hero has a very great ability to escape, even it is very difficult to catch this hero. Examples of Dota 2 heroes in this role are Antimage, Windranger, Storm Spirit, Slark, Weaver, etc. Role escapers are heroes equipped with one or more escape mechanisms that allow them (or sometimes their team) to evade enemy damage and skills.
Role escapers are perfect for solo play in the “hell lanes” or short lanes, as they can turn situations where death is inevitable into an opportunity for farming. Owned escape mechanisms include speed buff, invisibility, teleportation (like Blink), and evasion.
So, those are the types of hero roles in Dota 2 which are then used by professional esports teams to balance the team and formulate the main strategy to win a match in an international tournament.
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