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7 Bad Things That Happened Due To Frequent Playing Mobile Legends

The Mobile Legends game is indeed different from other games. Besides being fun, this game is also addictive.

The proof, now we can find people playing Mobile Legends anywhere.

At the bus stop, there are people playing Mobile Legends. In the market, there are people playing Mobile Legends. In the warkop, there are people playing Mobile Legends.

Even in addition to people who are playing Mobile Legends, there are people who play Mobile Legends.

Mobile Legends is really addictive.

But, for those of you who are addicted to playing Mobile Legends, it’s better to reduce it.

Because as people say, anything in excess is not good. Just like playing Mobile Legends.

If you overdo it in playing Mobile Legends, you can experience 7 annoying things below.

7 Bad Things Due to Playing Mobile Legends

1. Always Invite Mabar When Meeting Friends

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Initially I met because I wanted to discuss college assignments or business.

But when they met, it turned out to be asking for mabar, aka playing together.

It must be really cool to have a friend like that.

So guys, play Mobile Legends less and less. Don’t let every time you meet friends, you even invite them to play Mobile Legends.

What should you do, instead of playing Mobile Legends.

So it’s not cool. Because not all of your friends will like it if you are invited to continue.

Also read: 5 Reasons Why You Should Be Five When Playing Mobile Legends

2. Gathering is not fun anymore, because they are busy with their respective smartphones

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If point number 2 is still going to be even more annoying.

Instead of chatting with friends or discussing tasks, they are busy with their own smartphones.

Think again looking for information about the 0 rupiah DP house, it turns out it’s fun playing Mobile Legends.

Don’t be like that, guys. If you’re hanging out with friends, don’t be alone.

Make sure you also listen to what your friends are discussing. It would be nice to put the smartphone on the table.

Throw away the desire to play Mobile Legends. There’s still plenty of time.

That’s why when I gather with other Androbuntu teams, I always keep my smartphone out of my reach.

The goal is only one, so that we can focus on discussing the problems of this website. Don’t think about playing Mobile Legends all the time.

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3. Often Share Match Results To Social Media, It Looks Like Spam

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If the number three is usually often done by children. Yes, between middle and high school.

If you are quite active on Facebook, and make friends with young people who like to play Mobile Legends, of course you often experience this.

Where they often share their match results.

Then proudly wrote the caption “Hoammss, Savage continues”.

If I find something like this, I usually delete it immediately from the friend list.


Also read: 5 Annoying Things You Will Experience When Playing Mobile Legends ON Your Computer

4. Waste of Quota, Must Frequently Top Up Data Packages

The bad thing that you will experience if you play Mobile Legends too often is that you will quickly run out of internet quota.

That’s because when you play Mobile Legends, there is a lot of internet that is used.

Especially if you keep playing Mobile Legends in the morning, afternoon, evening. Maybe a month’s package will run out in one day.

So, if you haven’t been able to earn your own money, it’s better to measure it by playing ML. Let’s not refill too often.

Also read: How to find out the amount of internet usage on an Android smartphone

5. Waste of battery, everywhere you have to bring a power bank

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In addition to wasteful quota, your smartphone will also waste battery.

How come. Mobile Legends is a pretty heavy game.

So it’s natural that when used, it will suck up quite a lot of battery.

Especially for those of you who are really addicted to playing Mobile Legends.

Maybe in a day have to charge as much as 13 times.

If you want to go and go, it must be complicated. Because if you don’t bring a power bank, it’s certain that the smartphone will die from running out of battery because you keep playing Mobile Legends.

To avoid this, don’t keep playing Mobile Legends. Especially when you travel.

Also read: These 5 Mobile Legends Heroes Are Very Similar to Dota 2 Heroes

6. Forget Time To Do Productive Things

As I said above, Mobile Legends is an addiction.

Once playing, we will be very hard to stop.

If you are really addicted, you will lose track of time and forget to do productive things.

Such as doing college assignments, looking for a side, to continuing the struggle to get close to the doi.

So, for you girls whose crush is no longer close to you, it could be that they are already busy with Mobile Legends.

At least you have to WhatsApp first. Say that you miss.

Also read: Here are the 5 Best Heroes Often Used by Pro Players in Mobile Legends

7. Angry With Boyfriend


For those of you who already have a boyfriend, you may have experienced this.

When you are cool to play Mobile Legends and forget to tell your girlfriend.

As a result, he became very angry.

Your relationship will run aground in the middle of the road. After all, he’s the only one who wants to be with you. sob.

So, you can play Mobile Legends. But don’t forget your real world.

There are still friends, family, girlfriends, and other closest people that you should pay attention to.

Also read: 7 Coolest Duet Heroes in Mobile Legends


Don’t want to experience the 7 bad things above just because of Mobile Legends?

So, from now on you should be able to divide your time more. When to play Mobile Legends, when to do other things.

Remember, you only live once. More works, less demos on the highway.

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