5 Best Mage Heroes in Androbuntu Version of Mobile Legends
MOBA games are one of the most fun game genres to play.
That’s because MOBA games are usually always filled with many heroes from various roles.
Starting from assassins, tankers, marksmans, to mages.
Each hero has an equally important role in battle.
The tanker hero does have a high defense, but without his friends he will only be the butt of the opponent without being able to retaliate.
Marksman does have very high damage, but his defense is the lowest compared to other heroes. Therefore, marksman needs tankers and other types of heroes in the team.
So basically, in MOBA everything has the same important role. Included in the Mobile Legends game.
5 Best Mage Heroes in Mobile Legends
This time I will discuss the 5 best mage heroes in the androbuntu version of Mobile Legends. With various considerations, research and benchmarks, here are the 5 best mage heroes in Mobile Legends.
The first hero mage who has no doubt about his strength and skill is Harley.
This hero has a sick attack, and can make opponents run away.
Therefore, it’s not uncommon for Harley to be one of the heroes who has been banned in the Epic tier Ranked Mode.
As a hero mage, you certainly won’t think that Harley is also quite difficult to kill.
Do not believe? Then try yourself to use Harley in Mobile Legends.
Well, next is my favorite mage hero in Mobile Legends, namely Cyclops.
Given the name Cyclops probably because the appearance of his eyes are so striking.
The main strength of Cyclops lies in its passive skill which can reduce the cooldown of the skill if it hits the enemy quickly.
This passive skill makes Cyclops able to attack enemies quickly using skill 1 and skill 2.
Guaranteed, if you have mastered Cyclops you will quickly rise to Rank Legend.
The next hero mage that cannot be underestimated in Mobile Legends is of course Aurora.
Aurora is indeed one of the favorite mage heroes that is often used by mage users in Mobile Legends.
Aurora has enormous damage. No wonder if there is Aurora in the team, she must be one of the heroes with the most kill points.
When compared to other mage heroes, Eudora is probably the easiest to control.
Therefore, Eudora is also no less popular with other mage heroes.
Eudora is not only easy to play, but also his burst skill has high damage.
It’s easy to play, the damage is high, it’s really suitable for those of you who are not used to using hero mages. Eudora can be a start for those of you who want to learn to use mages in Mobile Legends.
Next up is Vexana. This hero with a pretty scary appearance is also one of the best mage heroes in Mobile Legends.
Vexana has a skill that becomes a frightening specter for opponents, namely the ability to move opponents towards her.
So the opponent will not be able to escape.
Very suitable for use when war, or solo.
Those are the 5 best mage heroes in the androbuntu version of Mobile Legends. Of the 5 heroes above, which is your favorite?
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