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6 Ways to Email Applications for Acceptance (2021 Edition)

How to send a job application via email properly and correctly so that you are called quickly.

The flow of information is so fast that everyone is competing to balance themselves socially with technology. It is undeniable, technology that can enable improving one’s performance is very helpful for both individuals and companies.

Now, some companies provide a requirement to send job applications via email only. In addition to saving costs and time, the company has helped reduce excessive paper usage.

However, some job applicants who do not understand the tips for sending job applications via email correctly can make the company reluctant to accept you as an employee. Therefore, it’s good if you know the important things in sending a cover letter via email.

How to Email Applications for Beginners

Well, this article will help you understand how to send an application via email so that your application can be glimpsed or even accepted by the company. Let’s see how to send an application via email below.

A. Make a Job Application (PDF Format)

1. Prepare all required documents

Documents required or requested by the company must be strictly followed, such as curriculum vitae, ID card, diploma, health certificate and so on.

Now, all these documents must be scanned so that it can be sent by e-mail. Try do not make edits to the authenticity of identity on your document.

all these documents must be scanned

2. Create a Job Application in Microsoft Word

Open the Microsoft Word application on your laptop or computer. Then type your job application and curriculum vitae with the template as shown below.

To shorten your time, I have included a job application docx file that you can download. So you just edit it according to your personal data.

Download sample job application letter via email

Sample Job Application (Microsoft Word)

Sending Applications by Email 3

Sample Curriculum Vitae (Microsoft Word)

If you have just graduated and have no work experience at all. Then you can replace it with internship experience like the example below. If you have achievements, especially those related to the position you are applying for, please include them as well. It is own plus for HR.

Pengalaman Magang:1. CV. Lesmana Computindo   Mulai dari 11 Januari sampai 25 April 20212. CV. Pustaka Jaya   Mulai dari 12 Maret sampai 25 Oktober 2021

Don’t forget to attach the necessary documents such as diplomas, identity cards, certificates and so on. Place the document under the Curriculum Vitae with the photo centered.

This is so that all the necessary documents, be it a job application, curriculum vitae and other documents combined into 1 PDF file so HRD can check it quickly.

After that you choose File as indicated by the arrow. (Photo of ID card for illustration only)

sample job application via email pdf

Then you choose Save As then select Browse to specify the location of the folder where this file will be saved.

select Save As then select Browse

Here we use the PDF format because this file type is commonly used to apply for jobs via email. For the file name, the format is like this: Application for [Posisi yang dilamar] – Full name. Then on options Save as type you choose PDF. Next select Save.

how to send an application via email on cellphone

3. Compress PDF files that have a size > 2 MB

Try not to send the file size too big. Resize the file size above 2 MB. Since the PDF file that I created has a size of 4 MB, then I have to resize or compress the PDF file.

How to send an application via email the right way

To reduce the size of a PDF file, we can use the help of an online tool called iLovePDF (click the link here). Click button Select PDF files to insert the PDF file you want to compress.

reduce PDF file size

There are three compression options provided, let default (Recommended Compression). After that you click the button Compress PDF.

how to send a polite email application

Wait for the PDF file compression process to finish.

Wait for the PDF file compression process

The compressed PDF file will be downloaded automatically. Give the name according to the previous format then you choose Save. download automatically

If a warning appears like this, just select Yes. The PDF file is ready to use and just send it.

Sending Applications Via Latest Email

We do not recommend making a job application that is designed and used to apply to any position / company. Take your time to edit the job application according to the position and company name. Be a professional applicant!

B. Sending Applications Via Email

You can send your application via email on your smartphone or PC/computer. Before sending your job application, make sure that you have complied with all the mandatory and supporting requirements requested by the company.

1. Use a professional email

One of the mistakes that job applicants often make is sending job applications using email with aliases or pseudonyms. Should use email address with real name. Because, this is one of the considerations for the company regarding the formality of applicants.

You can use Gmail, Yahoo or other email services. For example, the applicant’s full name is Nur Ludfia, then the email you should use is or If you use an email like ludfia it will make you feel very unprofessional.

So what if you don’t have an email like the criteria above? Immediately register the appropriate email so that the hiring team can glance at your job application letter.

2. Follow email delivery standards

Also, keep in mind that although sending an email application can be done 24 hours, it doesn’t mean you can send it at 12 pm. In order to avoid impoliteness, it’s best send email during working hours and of course while vacancies are still available.

3. Sending Application

The most widely used email service is Gmail. So here we will try to send an application via Gmail. Login to your Gmail account then select Compose.

how to send application via gmail

You have to really know the email of the company you want to go to. In addition, avoid typing errors in the company email address so that the cover letter actually gets to the email it should be. In column To you enter the company email address while in the column Subject filled with the following format:

Application for [Posisi yang dilamar] – Your name

You can see the following example:

Application for Production Operator – Nur Ludfia

The subject of the email cannot be empty and it is not recommended to just fill it with sentences “Job application”. While the body of the email is left blank. Next click the icon Attachments as indicated by the arrow and upload the job application file (PDF).

click the Attachments icon

After the application file has been successfully uploaded. Do not forget to pray first according to their respective religions and beliefs. Last select Send to send your application.

sample body of job application email

C. Common Mistakes When Sending Applications By Email

There are some common mistakes that are often made when sending applications via email, including the following:

1. Unprofessional Email Address

When sending an application via email, the first thing to consider is your email address. Email address is one that can determine the fate of the applicant. Maybe when you use social media, the email address you use is still inconsequential.

For example, Aku and so on. Try to pay attention again, if you use an email address like that, is it suitable if it is read by the HRD of the company you are applying for? Chances are they immediately missed your email, because an email address like that seems playful and not serious.

Therefore, before sending a job application, make sure you use a correct or professional email address. Even if necessary, you must create a new email address. Professional-looking email addresses usually use the person’s clear name. For example like . Well, if that’s the case, HRD will find it easier to read your application.

2. Empty the Email Subject

The mistake that applicants often make when sending applications via email is skipping the email subject. The email subject is required so that the email you send is not considered spam. Usually a company has set a template for the email subject that the applicant must use.

However, there are also companies that do not provide any direction, so you yourself must be responsive to fill in the email subject. Write a clear title or subject that represents the content of your email. For example like: Application for Graphic Design – Nur Ludfia.

Well, that way you will look serious in applying for the job. And with the subject, the HRD of the company will easily see the initial information or description that you want to convey, namely applying for a job. Pay attention to the subject of your email, don’t miss it so you can get a quick response from HRD.

3. Skipping Attachments

Sometimes when it is cool to write the body of the email, someone forgets and immediately clicks the “Send” button. As a result, the email has been sent without a CV or other documents. Do you want to be labeled as careless and reckless by the company? Therefore, the solution is, please make a checklist that contains what points should be in every email when applying for a job.

So, before pressing “send”, you can first check all the points in the checklist, whether they are listed or not. Check properly, don’t miss anything.

4. Writing is not neat or a lot of mistakes

Are you a fan of reading or not? If not, then you should get used to reading even more with your own writing. Because your writing this time determines your destiny in the future. If only the context was chatting with friends, a little typo wouldn’t be a problem.

However, if in writing a job application and you write the name or position of the HR Manager wrong, or mispronounce the name of the company, well, you will definitely get into trouble. Therefore, re-check all your writing, there are no typos or mistakes at all.

In addition to typos, pay attention to the font you use. Just use a simple and neat font so it’s easy to read. And make sure you use formal language. Don’t keep your words short, because the company can see your character from the language you use. So, check all your posts from start to finish before hitting the “Submit” button.

This is an article on how to send an application via email. It should be noted, in writing a job application letter or other things, you should use good and formal language.

Hopefully this article useful for you. Keep visiting Nesabamedia for interesting and up-to-date information about technology. We hope that your job application will be accepted and processed immediately. Cheers!

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