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How to Pay Deposit Indihome 2021

How to Pay Indihome Deposit
How to Pay Indihome Deposit – For now the internet has become a necessity for many people.

No wonder there are still many who install Indihome in their homes.

Indihome is one of the internet services from PT Telkom Indonesia, where we are ready to be pampered with its internet network.

Remember, don’t forget to pay your deposit or bill.

Usually the ones who are still confused are new users and still don’t understand, actually this method is very easy such as paying electricity bills, finance, PDAM and others.

Now for those of you who are still curious about how to deposit, don’t worry because you can see in the review below about how to pay an indihome deposit.

How to Pay IndiHome Deposit

1. Requirements Regarding How to Pay Deposit IndiHome

How to Pay Indihome Deposit
Requirements Regarding How to Pay Deposit IndiHome

Before making a payment transaction, pay attention to the following requirements regarding how to pay an IndiHome deposit:

  • Make a deposit payment according to the message sent via SMS, or an official e-mail from the indihome party.
  • Deposit payment transactions are carried out a maximum of 3×24 hours.
  • Make sure you receive an official message from indihome either via sms or e-mail before you make a payment.
  • If you do not understand, you can click the link.
  • You can also make payment transactions at mini markets, Pos, or through ATMs.

2. How to pay an Indihome deposit via ATM

How to Pay Indihome Deposit
How to pay an Indihome deposit via ATM

The easy way to pay an indihome deposit via ATM is as follows:

  • Insert the ATM card into the slot of the ATM machine.
  • Enter your PIN.
  • Press the Phone/HP menu.
  • Select the Telkom menu.
  • If so, enter indihome’s phone number and area code.
  • Enter the 12 digit indihome customer number.
  • Enter the total bill.
  • Choose pay
  • Save the receipt as proof of payment.
  • In addition to using Via ATM, you can also pay via Minimarket.

3. How to pay an indihome deposit via Minimarket

How to Pay Indihome Deposit
How to pay indihome deposit via Minimarket

As for how to pay an indihome deposit via a minimarket, as follows:

  • Come to a minimarket that provides IndiHome deposit payment services.
  • Tell the convenience store cashier if you want to pay the indihome bill.
  • state your customer number or telephone number.
  • After that the cashier will check your bill and data.
  • If all the information matches, proceed to payment.
  • The cashier will ask for payment using cash or non-cash.
  • Wait until the cashier provides a proof of payment receipt.

4. How to pay an IndiHome deposit via the POS office

How to Pay Indihome Deposit
How to pay a deposit via Via POS Office

If in your place there is no minimarket that provides Indihome payments or an ATM machine is very far from your place, don’t be confused, you can also pay via POS.

Here’s how to pay an indihome deposit via the POS office:

  • Visit your nearest post office
  • Give the telephone number and customer ID number to the Postal officer if you want to make an indihome deposit payment.
  • Wait for the post office clerk to confirm the total bill that you will pay.
  • If all of your information is correct, proceed to payment.
  • Wait for the post office clerk to give you a receipt or payment note as a sign that you have made a payment.
  • Making an indihome deposit payment by visiting the indihome office directly, is rarely done, it’s no wonder that indihome customers prefer to make payments at the nearest place from where they live.

5. How to pay an indihome deposit via the Telkom office

How to Pay Indihome Deposit
How to pay an indihome deposit via the Telkom office

Meanwhile, how to pay an indihome deposit via the Telkom office:

  • Visit the nearest Telkom Office.
  • Notify security if you are going to pay a deposit or Indihome bill.
  • Write your phone number and customer ID number to the clerk.
  • If all the information is correct, proceed to payment.
  • The office will notify your total bill.
  • IndiHome will process your payment to completion.

The final word

That’s our discussion about how to pay an indihome deposit that you don’t know.

Deposit payments are the same as paying monthly bills.

Actually, the deposit payment method can also be done through ATMs, Post Offices, Minimarkets and many more.

That’s the whole content of our article this time about how to pay deposit IndiHome 2021. Hopefully useful and good luck.

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