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5+ How to Remove Shortcut Virus on PC, Laptop & Flashdisk (Complete)

You must have shared files or folders via flash or SD Card, right? You may already know that sharing files using a flash or SD card has the possibility to transmit viruses from one PC to another.

There are various computer viruses that can be transmitted via flash or SD card. Therefore, you must be careful when sharing files, make sure the flash or SD card used does not contain viruses.

In addition, make sure you don’t carelessly plug your flash or SD card in any PC so that the flash or SD Card is clean from viruses. One of the viruses is a shortcut virus. You may already be familiar with this one virus. But, do you know what it is shortcut virus that?

Shortcut virus is a virus that spreads via flash or SD card by hiding data (files/folders) that exist either in flash or infected PCs into hidden folders and then displaying the data (files/folders) in the form of shortcuts (with the extension .lnk). If you delete it, the shortcut will return again.

How to Remove Shortcut Virus Permanently

You are certainly wondering how to remove the shortcut virus thoroughly, right? The method is quite simple. For further explanation, let’s see the explanation below.

1 Removing Shortcut Virus on Flashdisk

Flashdisk is an intermediary for the spread of the virus. If your flash does not contain important files, you can just format it. But, if it contains important files then you can’t just format it, right? To remove Shortcut Virus follow the steps below.

1. Type CMD on features Start, then it will appear Command Prompt, right click on the application then click “Run as Administrator“.

how to remove shortcut virus

2. See where your flash drive is, whether in E, F, G or I. Navigate the directory in CMD to the flash drive position by typing the letter as shown below. Here, my flash is located directory F.

how to permanently remove shortcut virus on laptop

3. After your current directory becomes F:> (depending on the location of the flash drive) then you delete the file shortcuts. The trick is to type del *.lnk s/d/ then press Enter. If an error appears, just type del *.lnk s/ or del *.lnk then press Enter.

delete shortcut

4. Now, type attrib -s -r -h *. * /s /d /l then press Enter. Wait until the process is complete.

Restore files

5. When finished, the files hidden by the shortcut virus will appear in normal mode.

Notes: Be careful when executing commands del * .lnk because you may lose your data (if there is an error).

2 Remove Shortcut Virus on PC/Laptop

Previously, I have explained how to remove the shortcut virus on the flash. Now, I will explain how to remove shortcut virus on PC/laptop. Why is this important? because if you plug a virus-free flash drive into a PC/laptop that is infected with a shortcut virus, your flash drive will be infected too. Follow the steps below to remove shortcut virus on your PC/laptop.

A. The First Way

1. Open Task Manager by pressing CTRL+ALT+Delete in keyboard then select option Task Manager or right click on the taskbar and select Task managers.

2. Open tab Processes and search and select process Wscript.exe then click button End Task.

how to remove shortcut virus on computer until clean

B. Second Way

1. Press Windows+R on the keyboard and the Run window will appear. Type regedit and press OK.


2. Then a window will appear Registry Editor. Then navigate to the directory to HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Run like in the picture below.

Registry Editor

3. Next, search Registry Key “odwcamszas” or “cbxghsrjgbdds”. If there is, right click then click Delete. If you don’t find Registry Key it, search Registry Key similar ones (which have strange names, like both registry key previously)

C. The Third Way

1. Press Windows+R on the keyboard and the Run window will appear. Type msconfig and press OK.


2. After that, the System Configuration window will appear. Open tab Startup and click Open Task Manager.

how to remove virus on flash drive with cmd

3. On the tab Startup in Task Manager, search and select nkvasyoxww.vbs then press button Disable.


D. Fourth Way

1. Press Windows+R on the keyboard and the Run window will appear. Type %temp% and press OK.


2. Then, the temp folder will open then look for the file nkvasyoxww.vbs and delete the file.


Hasn’t worked yet? Another way that is also quite effective in eradicating shortcut viruses is to use Smadav!


The shortcut file cannot be opened and will display an error message. This virus can affect external storage such as Flash Drives, External Hard Disks, Phone Memory, Memory Card or Memory Sticks. Well, if you continue to let this virus, it will become very dangerous and can damage your PC/laptop work system.

So a discussion about how to remove shortcut viruses on PCs / laptops and flash drives. Make sure you follow the steps carefully so that the shortcut virus no longer attacks your laptop or flash drive. Well, hopefully the article above is useful and good luck. Thank you!

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