2 Ways to Block Other People's Mobile Numbers on Android (100% Work)
In this era of technology, communication has become easier. How not, with the various choices of communication media, distance seems to be just a word whose meaning is getting smaller. But even though there are various ways to communicate, making calls via mobile phones will still always be an option. Not to mention the various activities that still depend on the availability of numbers on their respective cellphones or telephones, making the cellphone number provider not disappear so quickly.
With the increasingly vital role of the HP number, the more open the various potential threats carried out by irresponsible persons by using the cellphone number. Starting from telemarketing which sometimes does not know the time, to the potential for fraud which will certainly be very dangerous. That’s why we want to share how to block other people’s cellphone numbers either manually or with third-party applications.
2 Ways to Block Other People’s Mobile Numbers
For how to block other people’s cellphone numbers through manual methods, anyone can practice because the steps are very easy. As for the second method, namely using the application, the methods are also easy but with much more complete features. Immediately, see more below:
1. Blocking HP Numbers Manually
At this step, you can perform the blocking process directly by configuring your smartphone.
1. First open your smartphone, then open Contacts.
2. On the list page or contact list, click the icon with a horizontal three-dot icon indicating menu like in the image below.
3. In the menu window, please select and click Spam block.
4. Then you will be directed to a window Call/Messaging blocking. Please click Call/Messages blocking service to activate the blocking feature of one or more mobile numbers so that they cannot contact you either via phone or message. Continue by clicking List Management.
5. Next you will be faced with a window named List Management. In this window, you will see two tabs named tab Blacklist and tab Whitelist. On tab Blacklist, you will see a list of cellphone numbers that will not be able to contact you either via phone or message. To add the number you want to block, please click add icon at the bottom right.
6. Then a pop up box will appear. In the pop up box there are two options that you can use to block. On choice Import from Contacts, you will be able to block HP numbers that you have previously saved and are in your contact list. While the choice Add manually, you can block HP numbers that you have never saved before and are not in the contact list.
7. Here is an example display if you choose Add manually. Fill in the cell phone number and name, then click the check mark to block the cellphone number.
8. If you want to block a cellphone number in the contact list, please click Import Contacts.
9. Then you will be directed to a window containing your HP contact list. Please select a mobile number that you want to block.
10. Then the system will automatically read it and process your request. You will be directed to the List management window with one notification Completed: 1 Filed: 0 which means the process of blocking the cellphone number is successful.
2. Blocking Mobile Numbers With Call Blocker Applications
At this step, you can perform the blocking process by using a third-party application called Call Blocker. Download first the app is here.
1. First of all, please open your smartphone, then open the application menu section. Select app Call Blocker.
2. After the application opens, you will be presented with a screen like the one below.
3. Then, move to tab Blocking and click on Blocking to enable blocking as shown below.
4. Move to tab Blacklist, Please click add icon to do the blocking.
5. Next, a pop up box will appear. This pop up box contains a variety of options for various blocking methods or methods. From call log you can choose if you want to block the number in the history your phone. Contact form you can choose if you want to block a cellphone number that is in the contact list on your cellphone, Enter number if you want to block a cellphone number that you know and know the number by heart, then Begins With you can choose if you want to block cellphone numbers that have identical initial numbers.
6. Here we will block one of the HP numbers that are already in contact, so we select From contacts. Then a new window will appear containing a list of contacts in your cellphone. Select one by ticking the box and then clicking the check icon at the bottom right of the screen.
7. Next you will be directed to the blacklist window. The contact you selected previously has been listed on the blacklist.
Those are some ways to block cellphone numbers either manually or with the help of third-party applications. For me personally, just using the first method is more than enough, but if you want more complex settings, the second method is the answer. Hopefully these tips can be useful for you.
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