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5 Easy Tips and Tricks for Chicken Dinner at Sanhok PUBG Mobile

One formula that makes PUBG Mobile even more interesting to play is the addition of a map. The new map that is present this time is called Sanhok. Playing in Sanhok will be a little different compared to other maps such as when playing in Miramar or Erangel.

You could say the game in Sanhok is quite difficult, because the developer set the system or gameplay mechanism in Sanhok differently from the other two maps. However, the level of difficulty is not insurmountable. There are still several ways that can be applied to get chicken dinner. Want to know how? Check out the review of 5 Easy Tips and Tricks for Chicken Dinner at Sanhok PUBG Mobile below.

1. Always pay attention to the circle

Image Source: Youtube – Sora Game Indonesia

One of the most popular characteristics of the Sanhok map is its size. The size of Sanhok itself is 4km x 4km which is half the size of other maps such as Miramar or Erangel. Because of its size makes the gameplay more intense, more tense and fast. This map, which is identical to mainland Southeast Asia, is fairly dynamic. You should not waste time because the opportunity to meet your opponent will be faster.

Then the Sanhok zone or the movement of the circle is also long. The time is somewhat less than other maps. If at first you are used to a fairly long time in Miramar, then it is different from Sanhok. You have to pay close attention to the timer to be able to get the chicken dinner.

Also Read: 10 Best Places to Loot in the New Sanhok PUBG Mobile Map

2. As much as possible avoid vehicles

Photo source: YouTube senraXD

Because the map size is smaller with only 4×4 km, the use of vehicles will not help you. The vehicle will definitely make a noise and can provoke the enemy. In addition, it will be easier for opponents to see your vehicle because of the limited map area. However, that is only an option.

If you really want to use a vehicle then that’s okay. Maybe you will feel more challenged if you can conquer it? But remember to not only get as many kills as possible, but also have to endure to the end to win.

3. Gaming worms

Gaming worms or commonly known as the language prone pubg children are indeed not liked by many players. Some players do prefer to play with barbarians, but if you decide to play barbarian, we provide a few tips, namely no matter how much you kill if you can’t survive until the end you won’t win either. PUBG is not about lots of kills.

You can try to play by using dense trees. The trees and green grass will really help you in playing as a ninja. Pay attention to the time and don’t camp for too long.

Also Read: 10 Tips for PUBG Mobile to Improve Shooting Ability

4. Use the Ghillie Suit

Still related to the third point, you can use clothes that match the surrounding environment in the map so that you can become a ninja and trick the enemy. What’s more if you manage to get the ghille suit, that will be great. With this ninja-style trick, you can maximize your ability to win.

5. Don’t hang around too much

Image Source: Google Play

After all, the PUBG game is designed to be able to explore the entire island in search of items and weapons. Eitsss, listen to my explanation first. In the Sanhok map there will be many elements of swamps and rice fields. If you jump into a swamp or rice field your movement speed can be reduced a lot and the sound you make will be very noisy.

If it is like that then it will be detrimental to you. Moreover, if there is an opponent who sees and then approaches, it can be serious. So it is advisable not to wander too far or try to avoid swamps or rice fields as best as possible.

Those are the five tips for getting chicken dinner on the Sanhok map PUBG Mobile. If you follow these tips, the chances of winning will be even greater. Try the tips now!

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