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3 Ways to Create a Logo Online / Without Application (Beginners)

Logo is the most important part in forming a brand. This logo is included in the visual communication design which is very useful to explain the identity and description of a brand.

Every company, even a small business, has a logo. This logo is also included in marketing or marketing programs, one of which is to introduce your company or business brand to the public. Then, how to make a logo easily? Even for beginners who don’t know anything about what tools or software are used to create logos?

3 Ways to Create a Hassle-Free Logo

In this tutorial, I will explain about two ways to create a logo, both online and offline. Online here means that we must first be connected to the internet. Here I use the online tool from the site to create a logo without the need to install software.

While the second method, I use a software called Jeta Logo Designer which you can download for free. This software is also fairly easy to use and is perfect for ordinary people who want to create logos easily. Oh yes, for those of you who want to make a logo through an Android phone, you can see the tutorial below:

Method #1: Create a Logo Online

1. Visit the site

2. When you first open the site, you will be presented with a basic video tutorial on how to create an online logo at I suggest you watch it for a while, if you click the button X on the video window.

3. Below is your new worksheet. There are several important tools that you need to know their function. You can see each function below:

make logo 1

  • Number 1 (Text): Used to add text
  • Number 2 (Shapes): Used to add shapes to your logo, such as triangles, squares or circles.
  • Number 3 (Paintbucket): Used to color an object quickly (can be text, shape or icon)
  • Number 4 (Undo): Used to cancel the previous command. You can also use the button Ctrl+Z to undo.
  • Number 5: Shows all the icons that you can use to enhance your logo
  • Number 6: Displays icons based on the keywords you typed. For example, if you type “computer”, all icons related to the word “computer” will appear. Use English yes to type the keywords.

4. Click tools Text to add text, for example NESABA MEDIA. You can also change the font type according to what you want on the menu that I have given an arrow.

make logos 2

5. I want to add an animal-related icon to my logo. Just type “pet” in the search box as indicated by the arrow, then press Enter.

make logos 3

6. All icons will appear based on the keywords we entered earlier. Scroll down (you can also press the up / down arrow keys). Then select the icon you want.

how to make a logo online

7. To adjust the position as you want, you simply drag the icon or text. To delete / copy an object, just right click the icon / text in question then select Delete/ Duplicate.

make logo 5

8. If you want to change the color of an object, just click on the object and then change the color you want on the color chart located on the bottom right.

how to make a free logo

9. Below is my logo whose text color I have changed to blue.

make logo 7

10. I would also like to add shape in the form of a box that I will place before the text NESABA MEDIA.

how to make a free logo

11. So that the shape is placed before / behind the text NESABA MEDIA, right click the shape then select Send to Back.

how to make a logo for beginners

12. Well, here is the final result of the logo that I made. Next we need to save it so we can use it.

free online logo design

13. To save the logo you have created, click the button Save which is located on the top right.

make logos 11

14. Finally click the button DOWNLOAD AND AGREE TO GIVE CREDIT to download the logo that you have created. Finished.

make your own logo

Method #2: Create a Premium Logo on Logaster

By using Logaster, you can create logos, banners, business cards and other designs easily. No need for qualified editing skills in using Logaster, because this online tool is very easy to use by all people.

There are various choices of cool and attractive logo templates. Editing features such as Layout, Text, Colors, Fonts and Icons will also make it easier for you in the process of creating a logo. The user-friendly appearance is also a plus for Logaster.

Create a premium logo for your brand now with Logaster!

Method #3: Make a Logo Offline

The second way is to create a logo offline or with the help of software. As I said before, I used the Jeta Logo Designer software to create a logo. For a guide on how to use this software you can see on the next page.

I can’t explain it in one page because the steps are quite long. Please click the link below to proceed to the next page.


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