Speaking of FPS games, there is one that is still booming until now, namely Counter Strike Global Offensive or CSGO for short. This Steam game, although not many new players have registered, but there are still beginners who play this game whether they are old or new players.
For those of you who are not proficient, and want to develop, there is an effective way to play CSGO and has been summarized by Kabar Games from many sources. These tips for playing CSGO for beginners consist of 25 ways, although they are not detailed into certain technicalities, make sure you pay attention to them. There is also an explanation of the method in question is as below.
Set Menu & Crosshair Configuration
Tips for playing CSGO for beginners, the first on the list of Game News is to set menu settings and crosshair configurations. At the beginning of your playing, make sure you set the menu in the game. There are many settings that must be adjusted, including Crosshair.
The Crosshair feature itself is a pointer on your screen to know the direction of the decay when playing Counter Strike Global Offensive FPS games. This feature has become an important part of this Steam game that must be adjusted according to your comfort so that your shots are right on target.
Avoid Frequently Changing Settings
Talking about FPS games, of course, talking about muscle memory. This muscle memory is the second tip for playing CSGO for beginners. There is also muscle memory, which is a memory created in the muscles because a gamer continues to practice similar movements over and over again.
Therefore, your game settings and gadgets should not be changed frequently. That includes, menus, changing your mouse and also your crosshair. If you change it often, you will experience confusion, because muscle memory becomes useless and your ability may decrease and even become noobs.
Recognize Counter Strike Weapons
You have to recognize the weapons in this CSGO FPS game. The next tutorial to play CSGO for beginners is to recognize weapons. Some of the weapons in Counter Strike include AK 47, Deagle, AWP and also grenades. By recognizing the weapon, it is possible for you to master the rifle and also counter the enemy well.
Practice Against Bots
Keep practicing against bots when you’re just starting out CSGO is the next tutorial for playing CSGO for beginners. Don’t forget to practice the speed of your hand reflexes, and continue to increase your headshot achievements so that your kill score increases and of course your chance of dying in the hands of the enemy will be small.
Watch Pro Player Match
Learn from the best. This is a directive that you will always hear from many people and also of course is included in the tutorial on playing CSGO for beginners, the Kabar Games version. You have to learn from the pros how they act when playing Counter Strike Global Offensive. Now this is an easy era, you can watch guides and gameplay of pro players through video channels, such as Youtube, Twitch, and others.
Get to know the Counter Strike Map
Recognizing the map in the Counter Strike game is important, so it’s included as tips for playing CSGO for beginners from Kabar Games. By recognizing the map you can know certain spots to hide and also take cover. You also know where to look for enemies later. By recognizing the map, you can also apply many strategies with the team.
Relax While Playing
Play games for fun, and this advice from Kabar Games is not without reason! It’s true that losing is painful and makes the mood go down. But believe me if you are angry, it will not solve the problem of your defeat and your poor performance. So stay calm and relax.
Use Gaming Mouse
The name is playing games, of course you will be recommended with gaming gear. It’s not wrong to recommend it because gaming gear has many advantages that ordinary electronic gadgets don’t have. The mouse is no exception, if you want to play Counter Strike Global Offensive, then you must have a gaming mouse. Because gaming mice have additional buttons that can help you shorten your action time instead of using a gaming keyboard.
Use Gaming Headset
You have to use a headset if you want to play CSGO, especially a headset for gaming. By wearing a headset, you can listen to the enemy’s steps well. It is recommended to use the best gaming headset, because the sound from the game that is received to the ear will be more clearly heard.
Buy Time Must Be Fast
When you first start a Counter Strike match, you as a player are certainly given time to buy weapons. At times like that, you have to buy weapons quickly. So you must have memorized what shortcuts are used to buy weapons. Buying weapons must be fast because speed in this Steam game is everything. With a short buy time, you and your team will be in a better position in the map because they are able to penetrate into enemy areas.
Pick up the Fallen Weapon
In CSGO games, you can pick up fallen weapons. However, it is recommended to adjust the settings for the fallen weapon so that it is not used immediately. The trick is to open the menu options > multiplayer > advanced > uncheck automatically replace with switch to picked up weapon.
Walk slowly
The best way to survive in a match in CSGO, apart from hand speed to move the character’s position and also to fire weapons, accuracy of fire and caution is the main thing. Be careful, you can walk slowly or sneak when you enter enemy areas. In addition, you also have to use the SHIFT key when there is a sound of footsteps so you don’t get caught.
Straight Crosshair Position
The pointer or crosshair when competing in Counter Strike Global Offensive must be straight. Can’t go up or down. The purpose of this suggestion is so that you can be alert when the enemy comes, so that you can kill and not be killed when your opponent appears suddenly.
Eyes Stay Alert
A watchful eye is required when playing CSGO. Because if you are not careful, you will easily die in this game. Always remember the uniforms of friends and foes, and if there is an object that moves you have to be able to make sure it’s friend or foe, don’t confuse yourself.
Use a Small Crosshair
It is recommended when playing Counter Strike Global Offensive to use a small crosshair. The point is that you can shoot precisely at the target, because you know how much the crosshair expands from idle to shooting position. These tips for playing CSGO for beginners also suggest that the size of the crosshair is not large so as not to cover the presence of the enemy later.
If the Enemy is near the Wall, Shoot the Wall
In CSGO, bullets fired by players can penetrate walls. So if you see the enemy through the wall, then you just shoot the wall because the bullets can penetrate. However, the certainty of getting hit depends on how close the enemy is to the wall. There’s no harm in trying to shoot is not it. Recommended weapons are Carbine, AK 47, Bupup, Deagle, Krieg552, M249, and Magnum sniper.
Use High Headshot Percentage Weapon
In Counter Strike Global Offensive, apart from skills, headshots can be obtained due to the use of certain weapons that have a high headshot percentage, so always use those weapons. Based on advice from veteran players, headshots can be obtained with the Fiveseven, Deagle, Krieg552, AK47, AWP Sniper, and Maverick M4A1 Carbine weapons.
Timely Reload Ammo
Don’t reload carelessly, you have to learn to reload ammo on time. The right time to reload ammunition is when there is only 25% of the bullet casing left in your weapon, you understand?
Use Low Ping Connection
The speed of a connection in receiving an image is termed FPS or ping (in the language of the cafe’s children). FPS here does not stand for First Person Shooter, but Frame Per Second or Ping. This is the term used for your internet connection. Ping here has to be seen whether you can play online or not.
When playing CSGO online you need a connection that doesn’t lag, besides that you also have to recognize the types of lag in the game. If lag means you are definitely dead. Ping’s best suggestion for Steam games is less than 100 FPS. On top of that, you are not recommended to play.
View Radar and Friends
You must use the radar to the maximum in the Counter Strike Global Offensive game so that you know the whereabouts of enemies and friends. Never forget too, you must continue to be together in formation with your team. Don’t be separated alone because it won’t benefit you.
Don’t Skip Game Tutorials
In this game, of course, there is a tutorial before starting the game. Well, you are forbidden to miss it so that your basic knowledge of how to play CSGO is complete. Later, what is not taught in the tutorial then you find out from other sources that are widely scattered on the internet.
Don’t Move Carelessly
Not carelessly moving and stepping in Counter Strike Global Offensive is an important thing to do. The reason is that you will not be easily identified by the enemy and not easy to become an easy target to be killed by the opponent.
Efficient Use of Grenades
If you decide to bring a grenade to a CSGO match, make sure that it doesn’t go to waste. You have to use those grenades at the right time and in the right conditions. The decision to throw the grenade you can only get based on your experience. So keep playing while carrying a grenade huh.
Promote Teamwork
Playing Counter Strike Global Offensive is playing as a team. So, don’t be selfish to decide to move on your own and not be included in the team formation. It’s not that you win, your team will always lose because of it. Remember, always put the team first, this is an FPS game not a chess game!
Remember Handgun!
Don’t forget handguns or pistols in CSGO. If your main weapon runs out of bullets and doesn’t have time to reload, then don’t forget the gun, instead use a knife. If you don’t forget this firearm, your chance of dying will be reduced, and the chance of killing the enemy will be great.
Those are some ways to play CSGO for beginners to become pro players from Kabar Games, don’t forget to try the tips and leave a comment below if you feel something is missing. Stay tuned for the latest and updated news about games and anime only at Kabar Games.
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