Many levels of society like the use of online motorcycle taxis because they do not only provide services between passengers but also provide many services such as delivery of goods, ordering food, shopping at mini markets, until they have penetrated into online taxis and various other needs.
Its reach has also begun to expand not only on the island of Java but has expanded to major cities throughout Indonesia. Ojek online or ojol, now have answered many people’s needs, only by using an Android or iOS smart phone you can order an online motorcycle taxi. The following, Game News will provide references for the best online motorcycle taxi applications in Indonesia today
GO-JEK is currently the market leader for online motorcycle taxis in Indonesia. The application developed by Nadiem Makarim has now become the largest company and is included in the list of the first decacorn start-ups in Indonesia. There are already quite a number of services provided by GO-JEK which include passenger delivery services, food orders, package deliveries to lifestyle issues such as buying cinema tickets, shopping for anything and much more.
Grab is GO-JEK’s biggest competitor. This company from Malaysia has been present in Indonesia for a long time, almost simultaneously with the presence of GO-JEK in Indonesia. Currently, Grab has acquired OVO, which is also a digital wallet service that can be used in many online transactions in Indonesia, including Grab payments. Grab has quite a number of services in its application, ranging from online motorcycle taxis, online taxis, ordering food to sending documents or packages.
Get Indonesia
Get Indonesia is an application created by the nation’s children that is ready to compete with its predecessors who were already present and existed in Indonesia. Having its head office in Surabaya, Get Indonesia has a vision to foster the spirit of nationalism in Indonesian society.
Get Indonesia’s online motorcycle taxi application service can already be used in many locations in Indonesia. The difference compared to its competitors is that passengers can choose their own male or female drivers according to the wishes of the passengers. This is enough to answer the needs of female consumers who sometimes feel safer when with female drivers.
Asian Trans
Asia Trans is an online motorcycle taxi application service that is relatively new in Indonesia. Created by a native son of Toraja, Asia Trans has a desire to provide the best transportation services for Indonesia. The services provided are also quite complete, starting from online motorcycle taxis, taxis, ordering food, delivering documents to daily lifestyle needs such as cleaning services, massage, mechanics, salons to ticket ordering services.
Ok Jack
Oke Jack is identical with the orange color, even though his name is not as big as GO-JEK and Grab, but Oke Jack is still consistent with the services he has. Such as passenger delivery services, goods delivery services or food ordering services. Maybe you are one of those who have used this online motorcycle taxi application?
What makes this application quite interesting is that its reach is wide enough to several cities in Indonesia, such as Majalengka, Kuningan, Medan, Palu, Nganjuk, Kediri, Palembang, Bandung, Wonosobo, Purworejo, Magetan, Purwokerto, Kebumen, Ternate, Lamongan, Bali. , Banjarnegara, Ngawi, Tuban, Madiun, Jakarta, Lamongan, Bojonegoro, Ponorogo, Pasuruan, Berau, Cirebon, Tegal, Brebes, Jogjakarta, Blitar and Malang.
Teknojek is still fairly new in Indonesia and still doesn’t have too many fleets. But even so, its users claim to be satisfied using this application, as evidenced by getting a 4.0 rating on the Google Play Store. You can use TEKNO’s passenger delivery service and goods delivery service. One of the highlights of this online motorcycle taxi application is that you can get additional income when you introduce this application to other people.
INDO-JEK online motorcycle taxis can already be used in Indonesia, although the reach of the city is still quite limited, but there are some interesting features in this application such as goods delivery services, taxis, food to rental services and goods for your various needs. This last interesting feature is what makes INDO-JEK starting to be noticed by several levels of society.
ARGO motorcycle taxi
Ojek ARGO has the main service for passengers only, where the calculation of travel fares comes from a digital meter that you can monitor directly from your cellphone. The benchmark rate is Rp. 1,500/KM and the minimum order is Rp. 10,000. In addition, you do not need to register so that your personal data is safe. You can use the built-in chat facility in this application so that you can communicate with motorcycle taxi drivers online without difficulty.
The Bojek application is currently only available in Bogor but has managed to get a very good response from the people of Bogor. This is a solution for those of you who live in the city of Bogor to get an online motorcycle taxi service made by the original son of Bogor. Bojek provides very accurate fare information at the beginning of the order so users are not confused when using this online motorcycle taxi application. The services provided are delivery of goods, ordering food and service between passengers.
AJO is a newcomer to online motorcycle taxis in Indonesia, there are many interesting features that you can get from this application apart from ordering motorcycle taxis online. You can also use this application to order your favorite food and also delivery services whose prices are quite competitive with other competitors.
BANG OJEK is made by a developer from East Java. This application is only limited to use in a few cities in East Java, but there are several excellent features in this application in addition to online motorcycle taxi services in general, such as between passengers, taxis to ordering food. BANG OJEK has a superior TOURISM service, which allows you to travel using BANG OJEK at an attractive price.
The HelooJek application offers safe online motorcycle taxi transportation services and also very affordable prices. There are quite a number of features offered by this application, such as passenger delivery services, online taxis, ordering food to services that you can use for various purposes, including shopping at minimarkets. OK right?
TopJek is still relatively new to the world of online motorcycle taxis in Indonesia. However, the new age does not mean that the online motorcycle taxi application is unable to compete with competitors who have already arrived. TopJek has the main service between passengers, besides that TopJek also has food ordering services and document delivery services with several payment options such as cash, credit cards, IndoWallet and banks. It’s no wonder that many have started using TopJek as their means of transportation.
There is something different about PRO-JEK’s services compared to its competitors, namely that this online motorcycle taxi application provides a wide selection of vehicles, not only motorbikes and cars. You can also choose luxury cars to tow trucks for your various needs, besides that you can also choose whether you want a male or female driver in ordering PRO-JEK services.
If you have previously known Bojek, which only operates in Bogor, then Bang Jek only operates in Yogyakarta with all its advantages. The fare for this online motorcycle taxi application starts from Rp. 1,500/KM with a minimum order of Rp. 15,000 only. Usually, after determining your destination, the application will find a driver, if at Bang Ojek you will find a driver first before you decide where you want to be delivered. It’s more practical to get drivers, right?
The name Anterin briefly rose to the surface when UBER was acquired by Grab. Many ex-uber drivers have moved to antherin as their source of income. However, there is something that makes the antherin a little different compared to competitors, namely the driver and passengers are given the freedom to determine the tariff for their delivery service.
If you could say, this anterin is an online motorcycle taxi marketplace where passengers can choose a delivery service that suits their pocket. Anterin is currently only available in Jabodetabek, and will expand its services throughout Indonesia in the near future.
Even though this application uses the name Jeger Taksi, it is still an online motorcycle taxi that you can use as a transportation service. Jeger Taksi only provides one service, and this is what makes Jeger Taksi special. Online motorcycle taxis, which are identical to the yellow color, use a metered meter to determine how much the passenger must pay. Fair enough right?
Uber is one of the pioneers of online taxi services in the world that has the same service as Grab, GO-JEK and other applications. The specialty of UBER is that the tariff is very transparent, especially if you take a shortcut, the rate will adjust because the route taken is shorter. But unfortunately now UBER is no longer operating in Indonesia, even though it has many interesting features.
Thus a review of the 18 best online motorcycle taxi (ojol) applications currently developing in Indonesia. Which one have you used? Or even have other recommendations? Don’t forget to also read about the latest feature from Gojek called GoGames. Stay tuned for the latest news about gadgets and games only at Kabar Games.
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