10+ Ways to Make Text Run in HTML (Full+Image) By Zerina 15 Oct, 2021 Post a Comment You must have seen running text or running text on several media such as websites, TV (generally on the bottom of the screen) and so on.Of course, the running text makes you interested in reading it as well as wondering about how to make the text run like that.Generally, running text on a website is used as a medium of notification, short information, or entertainment (decoration) only. Creating running text is not difficult because we only need to take advantage of the elements provided by HTML.How to Make Text Run in HTMLHTML provides a special element called a marquee. For more details, let’s look at the explanation of how to write in HTML below:1. Marquee elementsThe marquee element is used to make text or other media (such as images or videos) move either horizontally or vertically. Currently some browsers no longer support the marquee element so this element is rarely used.Compared to using marquee, you are more recommended to use Javascript and CSS. But in this material we will discuss about using HTML marquee.Baca Juga3 Recommended Games to Play with Samsung Galaxy A12Rumor has it, a new Nintendo Switch version will be released early next yearTHE KING OF FIGHTERS ALLSTAR has been released on Google Play and App StoreTo be able to make the text run, you can use tag pairs Fill in the text here. On tags There are also several attributes such as:2. Width and height attributesThe width attribute is used to specify the width of the marquee element with a writable numeric value such as 18, 15% or 30px. Meanwhile, the height attribute is used to determine the height of the marquee element with the same numeric value as the width, which is 18, 15% or 30px.The following is an example of the code for writing width and height in HTML: Atribut Width dan Height di Tag Marquee Teks ini berjalan After you run the code above in the browser it will appear as shown below:If you don’t provide any settings for width and height then the width is by default 100% (full width of the browser window) and the height is adjusted to the height of the content.The following is an example of writing code in HTML: Default Width dan Height di Tag Marquee Teks ini berjalan After you run the HTML code above, it will look like the image below:3. Attribute directionThe direction attribute is used to determine the direction of motion of the content inside the marquee tag. Where there are four values in this attribute, namely up (top), down (bottom), left (left) and right (right).By default if we use the value “left” then the text will run from right to the left side and similarly with the value “right” then the text will run from the left to the right side. Then, for “up” will move from bottom to top while “down” will move from top to bottom. The following is an example of writing code and its use in HTML: Atribut Direction di Tag Marquee Teks ini ke kanan Teks ini ke kiri After you run the HTML code above, it will look like the image below:Below is another example of using the direction attribute (up and down): Atribut Direction di Tag Marquee Teks ini bergerak dari bawah ke atas Teks ini bergerak dari atas ke bawah After you run the HTML code above, it will look like the image below:4. Attribute behaviorThe behavior attribute is used to determine the type of marquee movement. Values that can be filled in the behavior attribute are slide, scroll or alternate. If you don’t create behavior attribute in tag then by default the value is “scroll”.Scroll means the content moves to one side and reappears from the opposite side. Then, slide means the content moves to one side and when it reaches that side the content is still (stops moving). Meanwhile, alternate means that the content moves to one side and then back again to the opposite side as reflected.Here’s an example of the HTML code: Atribut Behavior di Tag Marquee Welcome Welcome Welcome After you run the code above, it will appear in the browser as shown below:5. Scrolldelay attributeThe scrolldelay attribute is used to determine the time delay (delay) per step in units of milliseconds (1 millisecond = 1/1000 second) which is filled with a numeric value such as 100. Where the default value is 85.Here’s an example of writing it in HTML: Atribut Scrolldelay di Tag Marquee Welcome Welcome Welcome After you run the HTML code above, it will appear in the browser as shown below:6. The scrollamount attributeThe scrollamount attribute is used to determine the speed of the content in the tag in moving with units of pixels. Where the default value is 6. The following is an example of writing the HTML code: Atribut Scrollamount di Tag Marquee Welcome Welcome Welcome 7. Attribute bgcolorThe bgcolor attribute is used to specify the background color of the marquee element. The value of the bgcolor attribute can be written as a color name (eg cyan) or in hex code (#469A9A). Below is an example of the HTML code: Atribut BGColor di Tag Marquee Welcome The display in the browser will look like this:8. HSpace attributeThe HSpace attribute is used to specify the horizontal space on the left and right of the marquee. Usually filled with a value in the form of a number such as 20, 15% or 40px. To be more clear, see the example HTML code below Atribut HSpace di Tag Marquee Welcome Welcome Welcome When the HTML code above is executed, it will look like this:9. VSpace attributeThe VSpace attribute is used to specify the vertical space above and below the marquee. Usually filled with a value in the form of a number such as 20, 15% or 40px. You can see an example of writing this attribute below: Atribut VSpace di Tag Marquee Welcome Welcome Welcome After you run the code above, it will appear in the browser as shown below:10. Loop attributeThe loop attribute is used to specify the number of times the content of the marquee is repeated with the default value being infinite. Here’s an example of the HTML: Atribut Loop di Tag Marquee Welcome Welcome After you run it in the browser, it will appear as shown below:11. Use of tags on pictureTags can be applied not only to text but also to images. You can simply put the image source between the tag pairs . Here’s an example of writing HTML code: Gambar di Tag Marquee After you run it in the browser, it will appear as shown below:That’s the material on how to make text or images run in HTML using marquee tags. For example, if you have questions about this marquee tag, you can ask in the comments column provided. Next, follow the next HTML learning material on how to create tables in HTML.“If you’re doing your best, you won’t have any time to worry about failure.” H. Jackson Brown, Jr. Share : You may like these posts :How to make WhatsApp status (WA) with a songEasy Ways to Type Microsoft Word on Android PhonesHow to Recover Whatsapp Chats From Google DriveHow to Hide Regular Whatsapp Chats Without Archive Post a Comment for "10+ Ways to Make Text Run in HTML (Full+Image)" Newer Posts Older Posts