How to Install Google Chrome on a Laptop (Complete + Pictures)
Chrome is a browser application made by Google that is used by almost everyone in this world. Google Chrome is certainly not foreign to us, because this one browser is a browser that must be on a PC or laptop. With a variety of new and complete features, Google Chrome is able to compete with rival browsers such as Mozilla Firefox.
Google Chrome is a browser application that has the most stable performance. You could even say this application rarely occurs errors. Its smooth performance makes its users really comfortable using it.
This Google Chrome browser can be downloaded and installed for free. If suddenly your Chrome is deleted or uninstalled, you can download and install it yourself without having to go to a service center. How to? Immediately, please follow the steps below.
How to Install Google Chrome on a Laptop
1. First, please download Google Chrome on the Nesabamedia website. You can click this link to download it.
2. Then, please scroll down to download it. There will be 2 download options. If you are using a 32-bit version of Windows, please download the 32-bit version. If your Windows version is 64 bit, please choose 64 bit. If you choose the wrong one, Google Chrome will not be able to be installed on your laptop.
3. If the file does not download automatically, you can click Click Here to download it. As in the image below.
4. Wait until the download process is complete. Google Chrome’s file size is only about 55 MB, so you might just have to wait a little while depending on the network connection you’re using.
5. When the download is complete, you will get an .exe file as shown in the image below. Please double click on the file to start the installation process.
6. Wait a few moments until the process is complete. The process will not take long.
7. Then, if the installation process is complete, Google Chrome will appear on your laptop. Please click Get Started to start setting up your Google Chrome. As in the image below.
8. Then, please select your favorite Google application that is used as bookmarks. If it has been selected, please click Next. As in the image below. Or if you can skip it too, please click Skip.
9. Then, please select the background you want. Then, click Next as shown in the image below.
10. Then, if you want to make the Google Chrome browser the default browser on your PC or laptop. Please click Set as default. As in the image below. If you don’t want to, you can skip it.
11. Then, if you want to sync your google account with Google Chrome, please click Continue. As shown in the image below. But if you think it’s not necessary, please click No, thanks.
12. Done. You can already enjoy the Google Chrome browser on your PC or laptop. The main screen will look like the image below.
13. Apilkasi Google that you have bookmarks will be at the top. As shown in the image below.
So this article discusses how to install Google Chrome on your PC or laptop. It’s very easy isn’t it. Oh, as long as you’re setting up Google Chrome, make sure your PC or laptop is connected to the internet. Hopefully this article can be helpful and useful for you. Thank you

The rain lover and coffee connoisseur who likes to sit in daydream while dreaming of his dreams that will come true.
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