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Yu Zhong Fighter Mobile Legends Release Date

Yu Zhong become one of the heroes Mobile Legends what gamers have been waiting for. In addition to the animation skill that is owned is quite ok by changing (morph) into a dragon, Yu Zhong have health regen which is very high, but on condition that the hero’s HP is in condition low hp.

The hero will be present in its biggest update on June 19 future. Not only that, gamers will also get some of the latest changes from your mainstay hero, such as revamp, buff and nerf.

In usage, Yu Zhong has a fairly easy gameplay mechanism. Skills first will turn the cloak he is wearing into a weapon and will deal damage in a jagged circle.

Skills second, Yu will issue a black dragon figure that will give effect soul grip and gives the effect of HoT (Heal over time). Skills third, Yu can ambush enemy heroes and will give burst damage along with knock-up. Of course, this skill can function as open war or crowd control.

Lastly, Yu have ultimate which makes it able to turn into a dragon and is resistant to any damage, after completion of the ultimate this hero will get an additional range and also a stronger skill effect.

For those who are interested or who play a role Fighter in Mobile Legends, you have to set aside diamonds you or 32,000 battle points to immediately be able to play this hero.

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