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The Reason Teemo Will Be the Prima Donna Devil in League of Legends: Wild Rift

The puzzle of the release of Teemo as Champions in League of Legends: Wild Rift continues. The latest news in a teaser video, the developer team Wild Rift revealed that Riot Games was just waiting for the right time to launch Teemo. And if true, Teeme will be the new belle as well as the new little demon in Baron Laner.

Then why is Teemo later considered “the little demon”? This is none other than the skill ability of Teemo which is very annoying. The following is an explanation of the skill abilities possessed by Teemo.

Teemo’s passive ability makes him invisible when in the grass or not moving for a few seconds. Skill 1 will damage the target and give a blind effect (bassic attack produces 0 damage). Skill 2 will add movement speed to Teemo. Skill 3 will provide DPS (Damage Per Second / poison) against the enemy. While the ultimate skill of Teemo is to plant mushrooms that will explode and produce damage + DPS to enemies who step on them.

The thing that makes Teemo feel imba later in Wild Rift is the absence of a Control Ward in the game. In League of Legends, Control Ward is a must-use item against Teemo. Control Ward will make Teemo and the mushrooms he planted will be visible to the enemy. As a result, if there is no Control Ward practically only Oracle Lens can stop Teemo and his mushrooms during battle. If not, then be prepared for a rain of mine bombs during the teamfight.

Another reason why Teemo was said to be Baron Laner’s little demon was because he was the opponent’s Champions bully. Starting from Champions like Nasus and Malphite to Fighters like Jax and Fiora can be bullied easily by Teemo. Not only that, Teemo will also interfere with the last hit of the opponent’s Champions with skill ability 1.

After level 5 and getting the ultimate skill, Teemo can plant mushrooms in the river road area. So if there is an enemy Jungler who tries to do a gank, it will be punished with a mushroom that has been installed by Teemo. So the enemy Jungler will think twice about trying to gank Teemo. The advantage at the beginning of this game must be used by Teemo to become a monster that deals great damage later in the late game.

Another plus point that Teemo has is that it can be built flexibly. If the team lacks attack damage, then Teemo can be built with attack speed items, but if the team lacks mage then Teemo can be built with item ability penetration. The gameplay used by Teemo really uses the two builds to be very different. The build attack speed will focus on skill ability 1 and its bassic attack while the build mage will focus on installing the ultimate mushroom.

Furthermore, Teemo is also a reliable split pusher. Many players League of Legends on a PC using Teemo as a split pusher. Coupled with the mushroom mine planted by Teemo, the enemy team will also hesitate to gank him.

We’ll see if Riot Games really releases Teemo on Wild Rift going forward. At least the clues they gave already hinted that the little demon from Bandle City would soon be closing in League of Legends: Wild Rift. We’re just waiting for his arrival.

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