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Roblox Collaboration Presents DC Superhero Character, Wonder Woman

Collaboration becomes something so interesting in video games. As one did games full of creativity, Roblox recently collaborated with Warner Bros. presenting events themed Super hero comic DC, Wonder Woman. Events interesting this will invite the players Roblox to explore the universe Themyscira like in comic series and feature films Wonder Woman.

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As shared via the official blog Roblox, you will enjoy the experience like being in Themyscira, a fictional country that exists in the comic universe DC as well as widescreen Wonder Woman. You will find beautiful buildings like palaces in events Wonder Woman this. Not only that, you can also collect gear themed Wonder Woman starting from the shield, hair, clothes to the ultimate weapon Lasso of Truth. Act like Diana, you can also complete some quest with various challenges.

Roblox itself is one games sandbox which allows players to do various things in it. Starting from just building or being creative in it, to doing interesting things like mini games, roleplay up to various games another fun. Free-to-play games it can also be played in various platform, starting from Xbox One, PC via Microsoft Storee until mobile good Android nor iOS.

With the presence of this interesting collaboration, of course, comic fans DC specifically Wonder Woman superhero this is the right moment. At the same time, the collaboration titled Wonder Woman: The Themyscira Experience This also aims to welcome the latest film Wonder Woman title Wonder Woman 1984 which will be released on September 30th in theaters if there is no further delay considering the pandemic Corona this.

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