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PUBG Region Locked, New Weapon Skin and Map?

Wow~ just a statistic that I read, many are capable, most hackers come from China? right? There are other people who play hacks in PUBG, but, those who developed this hack are all from China. Maybe this is one of the steps for Blue Hole, deal with this issue. From letting them continue to breed in other areas, both contain them, and let them fight each other. Fuh, this region lock is also good.

Apart from that, someone wants to make a skin system for the weapon that you will use later. Ala, it’s like CSGO. Dragon Lore like. Hum. Function to eh? it’s just cosmetic. You can get the skin for your weapon in the new Loot Box, which is Triumph with Raider. I don’t know if this case is here to open with a key that uses money or not.

Dannnnn, one of the updates that it feels like you’ve been waiting for. New map, 4 x 4 km. A smaller map than Erangel and Miramar. PUBG Corps. I’ve leaked a little bit about this map.

So, what are your views regarding the skin weapon system with this region lock? good or not?

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