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PUBG on PS4 Slow down

Eurogamer recently noticed that PUBG for Playstation 4 is in the Korean board game rating. This is none other than, almost confirming that PUBG will come out on PS4!

PUBG is arguably the father of all battle royale where at one time there were 3 million players playing simultaneously. This is why many other battle royale games have appeared to overlap with this genre. I don’t need to mention the other games, you know

After the release for the Mac 2021 PC, PUBG was an instant hit and crazy women. What else can Microsoft do… pull out Xbox One at the end of last year. As of July 2021, it is said that 8 million copies have been sold for the Xbox One.

New time out on consoles, PUBG is a buggy sketch; because there are times when his frame rate will drop crazy to have up to 1 digit. Seriously 1 digit eh? It’s crazy that he can’t play. But with the recent release of version 1.0, finally the performance is almost the same as the PC version. The console doesn’t get 3 maps that are equipped with dynamic weather.

For now, I don’t know if the PS4 version will get to these maps, and the release date may be December; if we want to think Xbox One gets PUBG exclusive rights for a year.

This leak at the Korea Game Rating Board is most likely reliable, because before this leaked Fortnite for Switch before its actual launch at E3 last June.

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