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PUBG for "PUBG Mobile Star Tournament E-Sports" and Prizes worth more than RM2 Million!

PUBG has recently made an announcement that they are collaborating with Samsung to create the latest special Tournament for PUBG MOBILE only! Tournament that has started to join the region in the world, which region is included? First, Asia, then North America, South America, Europe, China, Korea and Japan and play prizes in the game worth RM 2 Million!

It’s a shame you can’t join because like I said earlier, this Tourney is already running and as I’m writing now the Tourney is still in the semi-finals of the regional round, so you can support your favorite team in this, for your knowledge, if you want to enter this tourney you MUST have 1000 followers, it doesn’t matter where you go to Youtube, to Twitch, Facebook to PUBG, it doesn’t matter, as long as there are 1000 followers you can enter.

But you ask, is there a Malaysian team not in the tournament? Actually, I did a little digging. I met a team that entered but I don’t know if it’s still in the tournament or not. The name of the team is Vain.My Gaming. So after winning the region, people will continue to enter the finals which take place in Dubai, UAE at the end of this year so you can watch this tournament later and enjoy the whole tournament, Support team of your choice and if Vain. My Gaming is still in the tournament I hope you can Make Malaysia proud and if another team enters, please let me know.

*Below is the Mobile Star Challenge video*

So I’m not here for a long time in the PUBG world, but I can definitely feel that the PUBG community will stay alive for a long time, it doesn’t matter whether it’s from Mobile, PC, Console or even Emulator. The important thing is that you play for Chicken Dinner. For any news about the PUBG Mobile tournament, click below.

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