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Dota 2 Hero Guide: How to Play Shadow Fiend

Shadow Fiend is one of the heroes Dota 2 known as potential damageits high. As carry, it has the uniqueness of having damage magic and physique are equally great. Not only that, he can also do farm very quickly thanks burst damage which he has.

With potential farm fast from the start, he is a hero who can snowball quickly if not anticipated. But on the other hand, when left behind, this hero is difficult to contribute to his team.


  • Damage output very high
  • Able to do farm very fast


  • Very low mobility
  • Lost damage after death so you can’t immediately be ready for battle

1. Shadowraze

Shadow Fiend emitted a burst of energy into the area in front of him. The opponent in the area of ​​the explosion will receive damage. Shadowraze can be used three times, each at a different distance. If the opponent is hit by more than one Shadowraze within a certain duration, the opponent will receive a bonus stack damage.

  • Distance: 200/450/700
  • Effect Radius: 250
  • Base damage: 90/160/230/300
  • Stack damage: 50/60/70/80 per stack
  • Effect duration stack: 8 seconds
  • Cooldown: 10 seconds (each distance has cooldown alone)
  • Where is the cost: 90

Shadowraze is spell Shadow Fiend’s main. Each Shadowraze distance is spell separated. That means you have three Shadowraze with three distances and cooldown different. This makes Shadow Fiend have potential magic damage Very large. Three Shadowraze means 900 damage, haven’t calculated the potential stack if you can hit one opponent with three Shadowraze in a row. But of course to do that you have to be able to find positioning right.

Besides potential kill very high, Shadowraze can also be used to do farm in the forest quickly. Three Shadowraze in total damage 900 is far from enough to kill creeps small forest, and almost killed the majority creeps big forest. That means with Shadowraze can finish creep stack in just seconds. Because you can do farm very quickly, Shadow Fiend has potential mid game very strong.

2. Necromastery

Every time you kill a unit, Shadow Fiend will get the spirit of that unit. Each spirit collected will give a Shadow Fiend bonus damage. If you kill a hero, he will get 12 spirits at once. But when it dies, the Shadow Fiend will release half of the spirits it collects.

  • Maximum number of spirits: 12/20/28/36
  • Collected spirits: 1 per non-hero unit, 12 per hero
  • Bonus damage: 2 per spirit
  • Number of spirits lost when they die: 50%

Necromastery is one of the tools that gives Shadow Fiend potential damage terrible physique even in the early stages of the game. With just level two Necromastery, he got a bonus of 40 damage, equivalent to about half damage which he has in the range of levels 13-14. Getting spirits from Necromastery wasn’t that hard either considering he had Shadowraze.

3. Presence of The Dark Lord

Shadow Fiend has a reducing aura armor surrounding opponents.

  • Aura Radius: 1200
  • Armor reduction: 4/5/6/7

This aura is enough straightforward and has no other uniqueness. With armor reduction, Shadow Fiend and his teammates have potential damage higher physique.

4. Requiem of Souls

After channeling for a few seconds, Shadow Fiend released the spirit energy he had gathered from his body into the area around him. The opponent who is hit by this energy will receive damage and effects slow and fear. How strong the effect is depends on how many spirits hit the opponent.

Not only that, when it dies, the Shadow Fiend will release the Requiem of Soul without noticing cooldown spell this. Then if you use Aghanim’s Scepter, the spirit of the Requiem of Soul will be pulled back to

  • Energy distribution distance: 1000
  • Area of ​​effect per spirit: 125 at the starting point, 350 at the farthest point
  • Damage: 80/120/160 per 2 spirits
  • Movement speed slow: 25%
  • Duration debuff: Minimum 0.8 seconds, maximum 2.4 seconds
  • Cooldown: 120/110/100 seconds
  • Where is the cost: 150/175/200

Requiem of Souls is another one burst damage of Shadow Fiends. To maximize potential damage-his, spell this must be used right in front of the opponent he wants to kill. But because I have to do channeling to be able to take out spell In this case, he must be in a very safe condition.

But apart from being burst damage, Requiem of Souls is crowd control spells very strong. The area is very wide and the effect slow and fear generated makes spell this could be control area which is quite reliable.

Talent Tree

  • Level 25: 40% cooldown reduction or -5 armor reduction Precision Aura
  • Level 20: +150 damage Shadowraze or +2 damage per spirit Necromastery
  • Level 15: +30 movement speed or Presence of The Dark Lord reduces the _armor of the building
  • Level 10: +20 attack speed or +8% spell amplification

Because it has potential damage the highest and the most important function, Shadowraze is spell which you should maximize as soon as possible. This will help you secure last hits to collect Necromastery. But most importantly, maximizing Shadowraze allows you to wipe clean creepwave and stack creep forest very quickly.

After that maximize Necromastery to increase damage attacks and Requiem of Soul. Then just maximize the Presence of The Dark Lord.

To ultimate, you have the option to take it later. This is because in the early levels you usually don’t have a way to use spell this safely. That’s why it’s good to take spell another to get items which will allow you to use Requiem of Souls with ease.

Item Build Shadow Fiend


Because it has potential damage physical and magic same, Shadow Fiend has build different, each focusing on one type damage.

As usual, you want to open early game with items regeneration like Tango and Mango, as well as some Ironwood Branches. After that you can buy Wraith Band plus Bottle to defend damage output and regeneration in lane. Then after buying Boots of Speed, items you will start to lead to one build.

If using macic build, you want to leave these Boots of Speed ​​and focus on items the first important one, namely Eul’s Scepter of Divinity. It will give you setup which is very easy to Requiem of Souls. To facilitate this initiation, you can also buy Blink Dagger.


To increase magic damage In this case, you can use Aghanim’s Scepter and/or Ethereal Blade. Then for luxury you can buy Scythe of Vyse or Linken’s Sphere. Oh, and for Boots of Speed ​​you can upgrade be Boots of Travel whenever you need.

If using build Physically, Power Treads are the shoe of choice. The reason is of course because you want to have attack speed additional agar damage output-mu increase. After that you can buy a Dragon Lance to Hurricane Pike who gives stats, longer attack range, as well as damage addition.

To be able to continue attacking your opponent, you can buy a Black King bar. From there you can buy several options items ranging from Daedalus, Sange and Yasha, Butterfly, Monkey King Bar, to Butterfly. Choose according to matchup that you are facing. Then if you need a little sustainability Additionally, you can buy Satanic.


In almost all situations, Shadow Fiend should be played in mid. This was because he wanted to gain levels as quickly as possible and maximize Shadowraze as soon as possible. That way he can do the cleaning forest stack and accelerate farm as soon as possible. From there he could take over the match with farm which he has.

Play lane as usual especially in the first two levels. But always pay attention to the game time and conditions creeps and lane at that time. There will be times where you have to go into the forest for a while to do stacking. If that moment happens, wipe it clean creepwave with two or three Shadowraze, let creepwave pushed forward while you went into the forest to do stacking. Indeed, it would be easier if you had support that helps do stacking. But support maybe busy protecting lane, gank, or do stack somewhere else for you. So don’t be lazy to do it yourself.

Your opponent will probably aware with this and trying to do gank so that you don’t do stack and/or gain levels. Even at level seven and ready to do farm Even in the forest, the opponent will chase you in the forest. That’s why you need coordination with your teammates and protection from them. If you really want to sweep stack, make sure the area where you are farm quite safe, or at least there are other heroes that protect.


After getting acceleration farm, you should have the advantage net worth and items. Take advantage of this by trying to get involved in gank, skirmish, or team fight. That way you can increase your advantage and dominate the match. From there, you can eat folder very easily. Shadowraze creepwave, go into the forest to take farm addition, then return to lane to sweep creepwave.

Your task in team fight quite simple. If you or your team initiates, kill the target opponent as quickly as possible. From there you have to find a safe position to do follow-up or target other targets. Remember, although very strong, Shadow Fiends do not have high mobility. So make sure you don’t become the target of your opponent.

In a lagging position, you can go back to the forest and do farm quickly. But you need a little space and map control. Otherwise your opponent will chase you everywhere. So you should make sure you are not too far behind. Because if you lack farm, Shadow Fiend is having a hard time contributing due to mobility and survivabilityits low.

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