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Movement Guide - Apex Legends Guide

Some can really help you

In this guide, we will tell you the guide about Movement. Movement here is how you use existing features and maybe increase your game level.

Peeking at walls and edges

In the first feature, you definitely don’t know that in Apex Legends you can peek and hang on to the edge of a cliff. This technique is not difficult at all, because you just have to go to the wall as usual and when you almost reach the top of the wall, you just have to stop pressing the button W or advance on your stick. This allows the player to see the surroundings before

Boost Jump

You already know that you can jump further when you sprint. This is common in other games as well. But in Apex Legends, you can jump higher than just sprinting and jumping.

To be able to master this technique, you may need to practice a little and find the right momentum. At first you will find it difficult to be able to do this technique, but if you already understand the key to this technique, you will most likely be able to master the game.

When you sprint to take steps to jump, you just do a little Slide and after that you can jump. For comparison, you can watch the video below.

Wall Kick

As the title suggests, you can kick walls. In the sense that you don’t kick without meaning, but kick to be able to quickly avoid enemy attacks.

To be able to do this technique, all you need to do is run towards the wall and jump when you are near the wall. When you have jumped and are close to the wall, you simply press the jump button once again and you will automatically be kept away from the wall like you are kicking the wall.

All three techniques seem difficult and may not be that important. But if you can master the game features that people may not know, then you are guaranteed to be one step ahead of that person. And I personally highly recommend trying to get used to it Wall Kicks. Because it will be very helpful when you are in a situation that is not wearing.

That’s all for the Movement tips from Game Fever at this time. Make sure you practice often, because some techniques are quite difficult! Good luck.

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