KANTOI! PUBG Mobile will add Miramar 2.0 & Win94 can use scopes!
A few months ago, I heard a lot of rumors about Erangel will be redesigned, and although it’s still not validated, a new report has confirmed some of the changes coming to the desert map Miramar.
Of course this change is seen in the version China PUBG Mobile, so global version probably won’t come out. However, from what we see, Miramar got some new additions including circuit track! In addition, there are new areas added to the map Miramar including several flood cities which are the same as the cities in Erangel. Furthermore, certain houses will also equipped with a self-service machine that dispenses power drinks. You need to be careful because if the self service machine is shot, it will activate the driver which can attract enemies. The latter, Mirado is gold will also be added with Miramar map updates.
New update for Winchester or Win94 also on the way. Even though it’s in the category sniper, this gun feels more like a broken rifle but with the new update, things might change a bit. Win94 is actually a hunting rifle, and the new report suggests an update may be added.”built-in scope‘ in weapons. The range of the scope is almost 3x but there is no information if the new update will increase the power of the weapon itself.
so far, Win94 use .45 . bullet with a magazine capacity of 8 bullets. It offers 66 . basic damage and 110 damage moment. Let’s see the video below for further information:
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