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How to Use Hero Mobile Legends Assassins [Kelebihan & Kekurangan]

How to use Mobile Legends hero type Assassins? in essence, mimin has discussed every hero, but here it will be more wet in terms of the advantages and disadvantages of ML heroes of the Assassins type

Hero ML is of the type Assassins which is synonymous with agility. Assassins in the Mobile Legends game are always equipped with agility skills. those of you who want to play Hero Assassins are very appropriate to read this article.

Because here there will be tips and how to use Assassins correctly. If you want to try the Assassins type Hero role, maybe for you to see other players playing Hero Assassins is very easy and agile so you want to try the Assassins role.

Even though Hero Assassins are the ones that have been played the most than other Hero roles. Friends who want to be pro for Hero Assassins need to have finger agility and have played the Hero several times in matches.

Therefore, in this article, we will provide information for each Assassin type Hero character so that you can use this information to defeat enemies when ranked.

How to Use Hero ML Type Assassins 1

There are several things you need to know that there are several categories that are grouped by Hero Assassins in Mobile Legends, namely: Pure Assassins and Non-Pure Assassins. And there are pictures and explanations of the differences.

Pure Hero Mobile Legends Assassins

It is said to be a Pure Assassin because his role is only as an Assassin. And of course the build item used is the Attack item. Because there are several Non-Pure Hero Assassins who have the role of Assassins Mage, where this type of Hero usually builds items using Magic Items.

Hero Mobile Legends Assassins Non – Pure

It is said to be a Non Pure Mage because in Hero Assassins, the items and gear use Magic types, for example, Gusion, Karina, and Selena.

The difference is where pure Assassins who usually use Attack items will deal Physical Damage while these Non-Pure Mages who usually use Magic items will deal Magical Damage.

And for tips on choosing Hero Assassins to enter the game with a team, there are several more different categories to be aware of.

Because some Hero Assassins characters have different skills on these Hero skills, and all of them can be conditioned by team or enemy factors to win battles or games.

How to Use Hero ML Type Assassins 4

Therefore, Assassins type heroes can be divided into 3 categories, namely Silent, Crowd Control and Agile. You need to know about this, so the following is a description of each type of Assassin.

Hero ML Assassins Silent

This type of Hero Assassins is the Silent type and has abilities that the enemy is very afraid of when targeted. In this case, the ability of this Silent Hero Assassin can turn off / disable the skills of the enemy Hero he is after.

So the only way is to run away or give a normal attack which certainly doesn’t have much effect. And this is what makes Hero Mage often easy to target, even Harley is very wary of this Silent Hero Assassin.

For the Hero’s weakness is only one, when dealing with a Marksman-type Hero, namely Miya. This is because Miya’s Ulti Skill works like Purify so that it neutralizes the Silent while Miya can run away, making it less suitable for targeting Miya. Or the Hero has Crowd Control which will block this Silent Hero Assassin.

1. Hero Natalia Mobile Legends

Hero Natalia Mobile Legends

The advantages of Hero Natalia:

  • Has a passive that can make Natalia Invisible, suitable for snooping, roaming, or kidnapping enemies.
  • Has a Silent that can be medicable (deactivated) skills and spells of enemy heroes.
  • Skill 1 on Natalia can be used up to 2x.

Lack of Hero Natalia:

  • You have to have the right timing to attack or not, Natalia becomes the enemy’s pursuit.
  • Passive to disappear takes 2 seconds before disappearing.

2. Hero Helcurt Mobile Legends

Hero Helcurt Mobile Legends

Hero Helcurt’s advantages:

  • Has a Silent that can be medicable (deactivated) skills and spells of enemy heroes.
  • Skill 2 is very painful to attack enemy heroes or Helcurt can farm (kill monsters) quickly.

Weaknesses of Hero Helcurt:

  • You have to have the right timing to attack with a combination of Helcurt skills or not Helcurt instead becomes the enemy’s pursuit.
  • Have to wait for the 4th bar of skill 2 to have an attack with high damage.

Hero ML Assassins Crowd Control

This type of Hero Assassins has the ability to stun the opponent or enemy Hero or give an attack where the enemy will not be able to avoid it.

Therefore Assassins who have this ability can counter agile heroes like Harley or Fanny. For Hero Assassins of Crowd Control type, the weakness is when the step is wrong or the timing is wrong.

So it is from carelessness that makes boomerang attacks mean the enemy will have the opportunity to attack you. Therefore, those of you who want to play this type of Hero must really master it.

1. Hero Saber Mobile Legends

Hero Saber Mobile Legends

Hero Saber advantages:

  • Has a Skill that can lock the Target (Skill Ulti).
  • Including Hero Assassins who have the fastest Ulti Cooldown than other Hero Assassins (at max level).

Disadvantages of Hero Saber:

  • The Boomerang Saber (Skill 1) cannot check for enemies hiding in the bushes.
  • You could say Hero Assassins late game because at the beginning Saber only used Ulti and skill 1 or 2 attacks didn’t have a big effect.

2. Hero Selena Mobile Legends

Hero Selena Mobile Legends

The advantages of Hero Selena:

  • Skill 2 can kill enemies for up to 3 seconds (it has the skills to kill enemies the longest than other heroes)
  • Skills 1 and 2 can be combined attacks.
  • When changing modes (Skill Ulti) will get additional Movement Speed ​​so that Selena can be said to be an agile Hero.

Weaknesses of Hero Selena:

  • It’s hard to direct the attack of his 2nd skill.
  • Can’t attack directly, must stun the opponent first so that Selena dares to attack him.

Agile Hero ML Assassins

This agile type of Hero Assassins is often said to be deadly to take the opportunity to hunt down enemy heroes and immediately run away smoothly.

Therefore, when ranked, many agile-type Hero Assassins are often banned, for example, Lancelot, Hayabusa, Gusion, etc. For Hero Assassins this agile type has a weakness where a suitable counter Hero is a Crowd Control Hero such as Saber, Martis, etc.

So when this Hero uses his skills to move agilely it will be stopped with Hero Crowd Control. So it can make it difficult for this type of Hero Assassins.

Next, we will explain one by one the Hero Assassins (Silent Assassins, Crowd Control Assassins and Agile Assassins) regarding their strengths and weaknesses, so you can use this information as useful information to choose Hero Assassins that suit the situation of your team and the enemy team, as follows:

1. Hero Karina Mobile Legends

Hero Karina Mobile Legends

Hero Karina’s advantages:

  • Has a Skill that can lock the Target (Skill Ulti).
  • You could say the Hero is fast for farming.
  • Skill 1 can increase Karina’s Movement Speed ​​so that it makes an agile Hero.

Weaknesses of Hero Karina:

  • The weakness is Hero Crowd Control or Silent.
  • Akai is Karina’s biggest enemy, because she can push Karina to cover her team.

2. Hero Hayabusa Mobile Legends

Hero Hayabusa Mobile Legends

Hero Hayabusa advantages:

  • It is very difficult to catch by the enemy, making Hayabusa an agile Hero.
  • Has an Ulti that no one can stop.
  • Can teleport.

Weaknesses of Hero Hayabusa:

  • You have to have the right timing to attack with a combination of skills or not Hayabusa will be chasing the enemy.
  • Ulti Haya can turn when there are minions or monsters nearby.

3. Hero Fanny Mobile Legends

Hero Fanny Mobile Legends

Hero Fanny advantages:

  • Has high damage to enemies when attacking by flying.
  • Has the ability to fly on skill 2 so that it can glide quickly to various places on the map. In addition to flying, if it flies towards the enemy, it will issue damage.
  • The deadliest hero from the start out until this Season (if you use it smoothly).

Disadvantages of Fanny Heroes:

  • You could say the hardest hero in the Mobile Legends game
  • It’s very difficult to fly using the cable (Skill2)

4. Hero Lancelot Mobile Legends

Hero Lancelot Mobile Legends

Lancelot Hero Advantages:

  • Skill 1 can restart continuously if the enemy is hit by Sword Mark. So this skill is very helpful to attack the enemy or to escape. Therefore Lancelot has high agility.
  • Skill 2 that can make Lancelot disappear instantly can avoid enemy attacks such as Ulti Cyclop, Ulti Johnson, attack Vexana etc.
  • Skill 2 in addition to giving enemy attacks, the enemy will also slow down their Movement Speed.

Lancelot Hero Disadvantages:

  • Must be precise and the timing is right so that lancelot can attack the enemy or to avoid the enemy with his agility.
  • The weakness is a hero with the Silence ability so that he can attack Lancelot without Lancelot running away or dodging.

5. Hero Gusion Mobile Legends

Hero Gusion Mobile Legends

Hero Gusion’s advantages:

  • The combination of skills can be said to have high damage.
  • Ultimate skill can be used to escape or attack the enemy suddenly.

Disadvantages of Hero Gusion:

  • The combination of skills is very difficult than other Hero Assassins.
  • Must have the right timing to attack with a combination of skills.

So many explanations and information tips for those of you who want to try playing the role of Assassins in the Mobile Legends game. And wait for the next article which is certainly also useful for you readers, so wait and don’t miss reading the next article.

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