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Here it is, Types of Computer Viruses and How to Overcome Them

Surely some of you like to be confused about how to deal with viruses that exist on your computer. This time pemmzchannel will discuss the types of computer viruses and how to overcome them.

Types of Computer Viruses Direct Action VirusThe first we discuss is direct Action Virus. This type of virus is a computer virus that is capable of infecting different types of files Bat Autoxec which is located in the hard disk directory. This type of virus is usually active when the operating system first boots. This virus is also capable of infecting external storage devices such as external hard disks and flash drives. Which is also used by this type of virus to spread from one computer to another. How to overcome this virus is quite easy. Among them are, doing scanning regularly use an antivirus and not carelessly insert a flash drive so that the virus does not spread.

Also read: Which is the Best Anti-virus for Windows 10?

Types of Computer Viruses Overwrite VirusThe next type of computer virus is overwrite virus. This virus is a little sneaky because this virus is able to delete files or data that have been infected without reducing the capacity of the computer’s hard disk. So, basically the infected file will be lost, but the hard disk capacity will remain normal, as if the file is still in the directory. Of course this will make you not suspicious if there are deleted files on your computer. How to overcome this one virus is to delete files that have been infected with this virus so that it does not spread to other files.

Types of Computer Viruses Directory VirusThis type of virus is a virus that is somewhat dangerous compared to other types of computer viruses. Because this virus is a virus that infects files with the extension .exe. If you ever run a file .exe on your computer, and in an instant, files .exe is missing or an error for no apparent reason, Well, that’s the effect of this type of virus. If not handled quickly, this type of virus can damage all files .exe on your computer. Unfortunately, antivirus alone is not enough to overcome this type of virus. Inevitably the best way is to reinstall the operating system.

Types of Trojan Computer VirusesNext, the types of computer viruses that are often encountered are Trojan viruses. Trojan is a type of computer virus that has the ability to control or steal data on a computer device. This type of Trojan virus usually appears via the internet and also emails received by the user. To overcome this type of virus, generally use Trojan Remover software. But sometimes, one Trojan Remover may not necessarily be used to remove other types of Trojans.

Also read: Getting Rid of Android Viruses is Easy

Types of Computer Virus WormThe last type of virus in the article Types of Computer Viruses and How to Overcome them this time is a worm type virus. This worm virus is a virus that is quite dangerous because it can reproduce very quickly. If this type of virus is left alone on a computer device, the computer’s hard disk capacity will be full of junk files. The way to overcome this is very easy, namely by doing scanning use AntiVirus such as Avira, AVG, and the like on a regular basis.

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