[Genshin Impact] Items to Prepare for Eula
As stated in the live stream event, Genshin Impact will again present new characters in update 1.5. The character in question here is Eula, a Spindrift Knight. You can get Eula later via the second part of the Wish event banner.
If you’re really looking for Eula, you can start farming the items needed from now on. The items below are needed to strengthen Eula, from character level to Talent.
Eula Upgrade Items
Based on info from Reddit, the item needed to upgrade Eula’s talent requires the talent book “Resistance”, an item that can be obtained from the monster Hilichurl, Crowns of Insight, and Dragon Lord’s Crown. Meanwhile, to unlock Eula’s level cap requires a mixture of Shivada Jade, Crystalline Bloom, Dandelion Seed, and items from Hilichurl.
Note: This information is still based on datamine. We will also change the details when the information is official.

Gathering everything you need might seem a bit of a hassle, but here are a few places where you can start looking for the above items.
Dandelion Seed Location
Dandelion seed is one of the materials in the game Genshin Impact which to get it we have to do element interaction with our Anemo character.
For details, you can visit the article Dandelion Seed Location.

It is estimated that it takes a total of 168 Dandelions to unlock all of Eula’s level caps.
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Hilichurl Mask Farm
Eula needs a Damaged Mask, Stained Mask, and Omnimus Mask to level up the cap. This item is also a necessity to increase the level of his talent.

All three of these items are found by defeating Hilichurl. Damaged Mask dropped by dead Hilichurl, Stained Mask dropped by Hilichurl level 40 and above, Energy Nectar dropped by Hilichurl level 60 and up. Hilichurl masks can also be obtained from Samachurls, Mitachurls, and Lawachurls.

To ascend Eula, you need a total of 18 Damaged Masks, 30 Stained Masks, and 36 Omnimus Masks.
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Farm Talent Book “Resistance”

Farm Shivada Jade

Farm Crystalline Bloom
For Eula herself, it takes 46 Crystalline Blooms to Ascend to level 90.
Farm Dragon Lord’s Crown

Farm Crown of Sagehood

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