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VNG Starts Open Beta The King of Fighters Fierce Battle AllStar

VNG Corporation kept its promise by starting the open beta period of The King of Fighters Pertarungan Sengit – AllStar or commonly known as KOF AllStar VNG on June 25, 2021.

Even though it is called an open beta period, KOF AllStar VNG has included various mainstay features that they have.

Starting from the characters from the famous SNK Corporation franchise. Card game strategy gameplay involving over 100 fighters. A combo system that requires a special strategy to have maximum effect.

Improve your fighter to the level of Super Super Rare (SSR) and last but not least the PVP system that will immediately become the favorite of the players.

Phạm Duy Cường as VNG Representative said “There are so many challenges waiting for VNG in Southeast Asian countries. Because this is our first time to ‘Go Global’ and launch a new product simultaneously in four countries. But we are willing to embrace all challenges to bring the best experience and satisfaction to the players. Through KOF AllStar VNG we are targeting new players who were previously unfamiliar with The King of Fighters AllStar franchise, gamers who like the card battle genre, and people who want to play the game casually.”

In order to enliven the launch of the KOF Pertarungan Sengit – AllStar game, VNG corporation has prepared 2 events that all players can participate in.

The first event is the daily login event, players who have downloaded only need to log in 8 days in a row to get Mai Shiranui with the ability to create and control fire that can be retrieved on day 2 login, and Yuri Sakazaki with her flagship attack named Yuri Chou Upper on day 8.

Not only getting 2 beautiful superior fighters at the beginning, Kyo Kusanagi is also waiting for you at the 2nd event entitled “Open Server Carnival”. The players only need to do the quests that have been given for the next 5 days, namely by raising the game level, playing story mode and playing elite missions.

By doing all the Open Server Carnival event missions, not only will you get Kyo Kusanagi, but players will also get some in-game items to help strengthen your best team.

VNG Corporation is preparing KOF Fierce Fighting – Allstar to be released in four countries at once. KOF Fighting Fierce – Allstar will present a complete gaming experience that has never been experienced by gamers in Indonesia, Thailand, the Philippines, and Vietnam.

In addition, VNG Corporation promises that KOF AllStar VNG will have its own tournament in Indonesia and in three other countries. This tournament will be held in stages and will grow together with the KOF AllStar VNG community.

So if you really like the aura of competition and competition, you can expect a lot from the Fierce Battle KOF – Allstar tournament that will be managed by the VNG Corporation.

For more information about the Fierce Fighting KOF – Allstar, see below:


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