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Top 10 Indonesian Gaming Youtubers with the Most Subscribers in 2021!

Youtuber Gaming Indonesia has become very popular, especially since the pandemic, gaming content has become increasingly popular because people have more free time because they spend a lot of time at home and spend a lot of time playing games.

Mobile games such as Mobile Legends, Free Fire, and PUBG Mobile are getting more and more enthusiasts. And new games have the potential to become the next top games, namely Among Us, Genshin Impact, Lol WildRift, and Valorant.

The increase in prestige of the games above is undeniably much contributed by Youtube gamers who are aggressively showing the games they are playing via livestream or video uploaded on Youtube.

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Due to the increase in the prestige of the gaming industry since Covid-19, Youtuber gamers have also experienced a significant increase in subscribers. So that more and more people are trying to build their careers to become Youtubers.

Youtuber itself can be a permanent profession, especially for people who already have at least 1 million subscribers and their videos are consistently watched by many people.

Here SPIN Esports will describe the top 10 Indonesian gaming Youtubers with the most subscribers (updated in October 2021):

1. JessNoLimit

  • Number of subscribers: 18.7 Million
  • Game types: Mobile Legends, Free Fire, Among Us, and LoL Wild Rift
  • Channel links:
  • Channel created date: 7 September 2021

JessNoLimit is undeniably the most famous Gaming Youtuber in Indonesia. Even JessNoLimit himself is a Youtuber in Indonesia who has the 3rd most subscribers, under Atta Halilintar and Ricis Official.

JessNoLimit himself is a former pro Mobile Legends player from the EVOS Legends team, before retiring to focus on his career as a Gaming influencer. JessNoLimit is also undeniably one of the figures who changed the stigma of the wider community that someone who has a hobby of gaming can have a brilliant career.

2. Frost Diamond

Frost Diamond is an Indonesian Gaming YouTuber from Bali, with the real name Kananda Widyantara. Different from JessNoLimit, the game content that Frost Diamond focuses on is Minecraft.

This 22-year-old man has won various awards during his 3-year career as a Youtuber. The most prestigious award so far is Diamond Play Button because it has passed 10 million subscribers on its YT channel.

3. MiawAug

YouTuber with the real name Reggie Prabowo Wongkar is one of the Indonesian YouTubers with many subscribers.

Reggie made his name on Youtube by playing the game which is booming nowadays, and many love it.

What will always be remembered by the audience is the sound of cats and dogs in the opening of the video which finally gave birth to a name MiawAug.

Also Read: MiawAug Profile: Indonesian Gaming YouTuber with Over 12 Million Subscribers

4. Dyland PROS

This YouTuber is famous among Free Fire fans, because he is considered a sultan in the game.

Dyland Maximus Zidane is a famous Youtuber who likes to buy all bundles and gifts in FF games.

Therefore, there are a lot of people who often watch the Free Fire videos hoping to get a give away from it.

5. Frontal Gaming

Frontal Gaming AUG FF

This channel is a channel created by one of the Free Fire athletes Aura Esports namely Aura Kasiih, who finally decided to create a Youtube account.

Muhamad Fauzi Filawan who is an athlete from the Aura Esports team, decided to continue playing Free Fire on his Youtube account. This account also attracts Aura fans.

Also Read: Pevita Pearce Plays PUBG, This is a Collection of Artists Who Plunge into Esports!

6. BUDI01 Gaming

Budi is one of the Free Fire YouTubers who has just started his career on Youtube.

He has just walked for 1 year as a Youtuber and now he has made it into the 10 Gaming Youtubers with the Most Subscribers in Indonesia.

The video shows that the Free Fire game is very popular with game lovers themselves.

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Initially this Youtuber from Bangka Belitung has not played Free Fire, he tried to play Mobile Legends at first.

His name started to rise when he did Live Streaming Free Fire which turned out to be very extraordinary.

Finally, Kemaz Rendy, which is his real name, was able to successfully lure many Free Fire fans to watch the video.

8. Randy Rangers

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Just like Kemaz, Rendy Wicaksono previously did not play Free Fire as the main content.

At the beginning of his career, he also played Mobile Legends and PUBG Mobile as his Youtube content, which in the end his Free Fire content boomed quickly.

Until now, Rendy has finally made Free Fire his main content on Youtube.

Also Read: “Rendy Rangers” Hope for Free Fire Max Indonesia!

9. Erpan1140

Andy Irfan, the real name of the owner of the Youtube account Erpan1140, is a famous Minecraft Youtuber after Frost Diamond.

Although not as crowded as his rivals, the content he creates attracts a lot of Indonesian viewers.

10. LetDa Hyper

Become a pro ff player, Letda Hyper

Just like Frontal Gaming, Letda is from the Free Fire Indonesia esports team, namely Bigetron Esports.

In August 2021, Yogi Pramana Putra joined the Bigetron team and had a career there in the Free Fire division.

Now he has created a Youtube account to share his experiences in the battle royale game, and has attracted a lot of attention from his fans.

Those are some of the Gaming Youtubers who are currently holding the most subscribers. There are many more Youtubers who are already on their way to catch up with them like Jessica Jane, and other youtubers.

Don’t forget to visit SPIN Website for more information, and follow the account Instagram and Youtube we.

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